12:05pm Dismissal Tomorrow

Tomorrow, FEBRUARY 12th, is a 12:05pm dismissal day.  Aftercare will be in session but students going to aftercare will need to bring a lunch from home as there is no hot lunch served on early dismissal days.

There is no school (Mid-Winter Recess) on February 18th & 19th.

Thank You

Consider Donating 1st Communion Items to our Uniform Closet

Do you ever look in your child’s closet and wonder what you should do with your daughter’s old 1st communion dress and shoes or your son’s suit? Well…. We are excited to announce that we are opening up a new section of the SJS Uniform Closet for 1st communion attire and we are now accepting donations! Most of these outfits end the day still being like new, and we love the idea of sharing them!

Given the importance of this day, please be sure to carefully look over your dress before donation to ensure that it is free from stains and/or rips. Thank you all so much, we are excited to add this to our closet!

Knights of Columbus Museum Visit

5th Grade Famous Person Report

Save the Date: St. James Foundation Golf Outing

Please save the date for the 25th Annual Saint James School Foundation Golf Classic & Dinner which will be held on Wednesday, May 8th at Manchester Country Club.

The Saint James School Foundation is a privately run endowment fund providing over $100,000 each year to Saint James School in support of our financial aid program, ongoing technology upgrades, and our school’s Margin of Excellence programs. Last year, the foundation donated over $150,000 to Saint James School!  Each year, the Foundation holds a golf tournament and dinner in support of their mission.

This annual event is a lot of fun with a great mixture of current SJS parents, former SJS parents, and SJS alumni.  You can sign up as a foursome, a single, or just come for the dinner!  Sponsorship and registration information can be found HERE.

A Thank You From MACC

Check out the kind words from Beth Stafford, MACC Charities Executive Director, about our students, parents, and initiatives to support the local community.

Book & Art Club Pics

Yesterday our 1st and 2nd grade Book & Art Club read Snowzilla, then made a “melting” snowman out of model magic.  Special thanks to Mrs. Carpenter for the cute pictures!


State Science Fair!

Congratulations to our 5 teams of seventh grade students who are heading on to the State Science Fair!  Today Mrs. Plante hosted a congratulatory lunch/strategy session to share feedback from the local judges and talk strategy for the State competition, which will be held March 11-16th at Quinnipiac University. Good luck Sabers!

Basketball Fun This Coming Sunday

This coming Sunday, February 10th, there will be a fun celebration of Boys Basketball at SJS.  Come join the fun as Boys 4th & 5th grade will take on the JV Boys 6th graders at 1:30 pm and our Two Varsity Boys teams – SJS Blue and Gold – will play at 2:30 pm.  Immediately following boys basketball players and their families are welcome to stay for a party in the gym.  Come cheer on our student athletes!