Special Morning Drop Off

Special thanks to the Manchester Police Department for donating a “ride to school in a police car” to our 2019 SJS Gala and special thanks to the Flores families for their winning bid.  Here is a picture of Michael and Brianna Flores arriving at school this morning courtesy of Manchester Police Officer Rob Johnson.

Adding to the fun spirit of this prize, Officer Johnson and Mr. Flores are both SJS class of ’87 graduates who remain friends to this day.



Staff Appreciation Lunch Thank You

Special Drop Off This Morning


Art Show Thank You

Thank you SJS 2nd Grade Girl Scouts

Book Fair Chair Needed

The Scholastic Book Fair is one of the most popular events of the school year! Students, parents and teachers all love shopping for new books and the school raises an impressive amount of funds to help expand classroom and school libraries. Next year the Book Fair will be held from Sept 23-26. The fair will run during the school day from the 23rd-26th, as well as the evenings of the 24th and 25th during “Meet the Teacher’s” nights.

A chairperson is needed to help organize the book fair and oversee it (with the help of many parent volunteers) during the week of 9/23/19. While this is a big time commitment, it is extremely rewarding! Last year’s book fair chair, Heather Meyer, is available to guide a new chairperson and has a very organized approach to managing each step along the way. If you are interested in learning more about heading up this fun event for our school next year, please reach out to Alicia at aliciapoth@gmail.com.

SJS Students Show Compassion

SJS Foundation Golf Event

Mrs. Alexander’s 1st Grade STREAM Enrichment