Thank You!

The HSA would like to offer a sincere THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this school year such a success.  We extend a very special thank you to all the volunteers who donated time and talents to our many social events and fundraisers.  For the 2018-2019 school year, HSA-sponsored fundraisers profited $51,700!  We are grateful for your generosity and dedication to fundraising as these funds are an essential part of our school’s budget.  

All families will be receiving a copy of a flyer (found here) listing many opportunities to help organize fun events and fundraisers for the upcoming school year.  Please thoughtfully consider how your family is able to help out. HSA events and fundraisers benefit our entire school community and are run entirely by parent volunteers.  Your help is needed and greatly appreciated!

We are already planning for next year and welcome your feedback and suggestions anytime at


Summer Camp Update

The first week of the 2019 SJS Summer Camp is now full.  We still have space in weeks 2 – 6 for any other families interested in registering

2019 Summer Program Brochure FINAL

2019 Summer Program Application Form

Medication Pick-Up Reminder

As a reminder, parents of Saint James School students must pick up their child’s medication from our school nurse, Mrs. Vignati, on or before their last scheduled day of school. Medication will NOT be given to your child to take home. The State Department of Drug Enforcement will dispose of medications left at school.

Additionally, your child will need to have an updated medication authorization form signed by your child’s healthcare provider for the 2019-2020 school year. These forms are valid for one school year. This form is attached below.  In the fall, you will need to bring the new medication along with updated orders to the school nurse.

All asthma inhalers/nebulizer treatments will also require a written asthma action plan directly from your child’s healthcare provider. They should provide you with this action plan in addition to the written medication authorization plan. Please ask the healthcare provider for BOTH the written asthma action plan AND the written medication authorization plan.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call Mrs. Vignati at 860-642-5088, Extension #3.  Please note, the last day she will be available is Wednesday, June 12th.

Medicine Authorization Form




8th Grade Retreat

Today our 8th graders spent their last full day as Saint James School students attending Mass and a spiritual retreat at the church.  Thanks to the beautiful afternoon, the students also enjoyed lunch outside.


8th Grade Banquet & Awards Ceremony

Sea Creature Research Project

SJS Soccer Schedule

Please remember, no parking in the CVS Parking Lot across from Charter Oak Park.

6:00pm C/Oak-3  Cornerstone CS vs St. James-Gold


9:30pm C/Oak-3   St. Gabriel vs St. James-Cobalt
11:00pm Westside/Mahoney Rec Center  St. Paul-Gold vs St. James-Pearl (Please note location)

Directions to Westside/Mahoney Rec Center (110 Cedar St Manchester): Rte 384 East> Exit 3 Main St.>Right end of exit>Left at light onto Hartford Rd>Right onto Pine St>Right onto Cooper Hill>Right onto Cooper>Park in the lots not on the street.

JV Wrap-Up Tournament:
10:30am C/Oak 2  St. Paul vs St James-Blue
11:15am C/Oak 1  St. Martha vs St. James-White
11:15am C/Oak 2  St. Christopher vs SBSA
11:15am C/Oak 3  St. Bernard vs St. James-Blue
12:00pm C/Oak 1  St. Martha vs St. Paul
12:00pm C/Oak 2  St. James-White vs SBSA
12:00pm C/Oak 3  St. Bernard vs St. Christopher
12:45pm C/Oak 1  St. Paul vs St. SBSA
12:45pm C/Oak 2  St. Martha vs St. James-Blue
12:45pm C/Oak 3  St. Christopher vs St. James-White

1:30pm C/Oak 2  Championship (Top 2 advance)

Ride to School in a SWAT Vehicle

Another special thank you to the Manchester Police Department for donating a Ride to School in a SWAT Vehicle for our students to our 2019 Soiree event.  What a fun way to start the morning!  Also, special thank you to the Sheehan family for their donation to the school with the winning bid on this prize.


Variety Show

3rd Graders Present Design Research