We had a GREAT First Day! (Pics)

School Bus Routes

For Manchester K-8 Students that signed up for the bus, please use THIS LINK to view morning pick-up and afternoon drop-off times.  Students in the younger grades must have a parent/grandparent waiting at the stop for the bus driver to release your child off the bus.

Have a GREAT Summer!


As another year of learning comes to a close we wish to Thank You again for choosing to be part of the Saint James School family, and for the various ways that each of you help make Saint James School such a special place! The past year has been filled with many great learning opportunities: chances for students to grow academically, spiritually, and socially. Friendships and wonderful, lifelong memories have been made not only for the students – but for the parents and staff as well!

We wish everyone a healthy, relaxing Summer Vacation and look forward to see you back at Saint James School on August 29th (if you are not using the SJS Summer Program, that is)!

Important notes/reminders:

Summer Hours: The school office will be open M – F from 9:00am – 1:00pm.

Teacher Assignments: Class assignments will be e-mailed a few days before school starts.

Soccer Uniforms: All soccer uniforms should have already been returned to the school or the coach.  There is a charge for not returned or damaged uniforms.

Openings: We still have space available in some of our grades. If you know anyone who is looking at school options for their child(ren) please have them reach out to Mrs. Guenther.  There is still availability in all weeks of summer camp except the first week.

Extended Day:  All families must complete a NEW extended day registration and emergency contact form for each school year.  Your child/ren cannot go to aftercare in the fall until we have these documents.  If you have not already done so, please submit forms to the school by August 1st to help with staff planning.

Documents, Forms & Calendars: Documents, forms, and calendars will all be available on our website under the Forms/Docs page of our website. This includes the following, which are also noted below for your convenience:

2019-2020 Dress Code

2019-2020 One Page Calendar

Supply Lists & Online Ordering Info:

2019-2020 K-5 School Supply List
2019-2020 Gr 6-8 School Supply List

This summer you again have the option to order your child’s school supplies online and have them delivered directly to your home!  In addition, Saint James School receives a percentage of every sale – convenience for you and a great way to support SJS!  Plus, if you already have supplies left over from prior years, you can choose not to include those in your purchase. Visit the School Toolbox Website (click to access) and type in St. James School Manchester, CT in the search box.  Please remember to order supplies well in advance to ensure they arrive before the first day of school.  HERE IS A PRINTABLE FLYER


2019-2020 Cross Country Information:

Parents of students entering grades 5 – 8 next year that may be interested in running cross country, please read the attached notice from Coach O’Neill and print out the summer training information. Cross Country practice begins very quickly after school is back in session, so please ensure that you have a copy of the sports health form ready by the first day of school.  Please note, students must be able to run at very minimum a full mile without stopping to participate in the fall.

SJS Fall 2019 Cross Country Information

SJS Fall 2019 Cross Country Summer Training Schedule

2019-2020 Athletics Health Permission Form (this form must be signed by child’s doctor and is required prior to participation in all SJS Sports)


Middle School Summer Reading Assignments

Summer reading assignments for next year’s 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are being sent home in report cards. They can also be found below and will be posted on our website for future reference:

Entering 6th Grade Reading Assignment
Entering 7th Grade Reading Assignment
Entering 8th Grade Reading Assignment


Congratulations Award Winners!

Field Day Today

Mrs. Zorger would like to thank all our families for being flexible and helping ensure our kids had a GREAT field day today despite the rain.  Definitely a nice way for them to spend the next to last day of school, being out of the classroom and having fun with their classmates/friends.  Thank you to everyone who sent in watermelon and water and had originally volunteered their time.

An extra special thank you to the 7th grade students who ran all the stations and helped make the day special for the younger grades (and Mrs. Cattanach for running the dance party). And of course, the event chairs Mr. Green and Mrs. McQuaid – who put a lot of thought and time into coordinating today’s event.


Congratulations Kindergarten Graduates!

Congratulations SJS Gold Soccer

Congratulations to the SJS Gold soccer team on winning the division championships on Saturday!

Congratulations SJS Class of 2019!!

Thank You!

The HSA would like to offer a sincere THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this school year such a success.  We extend a very special thank you to all the volunteers who donated time and talents to our many social events and fundraisers.  For the 2018-2019 school year, HSA-sponsored fundraisers profited $51,700!  We are grateful for your generosity and dedication to fundraising as these funds are an essential part of our school’s budget.  

All families will be receiving a copy of a flyer (found here) listing many opportunities to help organize fun events and fundraisers for the upcoming school year.  Please thoughtfully consider how your family is able to help out. HSA events and fundraisers benefit our entire school community and are run entirely by parent volunteers.  Your help is needed and greatly appreciated!

We are already planning for next year and welcome your feedback and suggestions anytime at hsa@saintjamesschool.net.


Summer Camp Update

The first week of the 2019 SJS Summer Camp is now full.  We still have space in weeks 2 – 6 for any other families interested in registering

2019 Summer Program Brochure FINAL

2019 Summer Program Application Form