SJS Participates in Hour of Code 2019
All this week, Saint James School K – 8th grade students have been participating in the worldwide initiative #HourOfCode2019, in honor of Computer Science Education Week…
All this week, Saint James School K – 8th grade students have been participating in the worldwide initiative #HourOfCode2019, in honor of Computer Science Education Week…
This Friday, December 13th, students may wear “comfy” clothes (sweatpants, sweatshirts, t-shirts) or weather- & school-appropriate PJs to school for a $1.00 donation. All proceeds, which should come to school with the student on Friday, and will benefit the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.
CCMCs annual PJ day, which many schools and businesses across the state participate in, helps not only raise money for a great cause, but is in honor of all the brave kids fighting cancer at Connecticut Children’s and elsewhere.
Please remember, students must adhere to the dress code/dress down guidelines and PJs must have sleeves (short sleeves are ok) & long pants. Also, no slippers due to safety concerns.
A popular tradition in Northern Europe, St. Nick celebrations include leaving a shoe by the fireplace, in which children later find a treat or gift (the origin of our American Christmas stockings).
Congratulations to all the performers at last night’s SJS Christmas Concert on an exceptional performance! Here are a few pictures from last evening:
During the season of Advent, Christians across the globe prepare for and look forward to the coming of Christ. These weeks leading up to Christmas mark a special time at Saint James School as our students and staff spend time focusing on the true spirit of the season: hope, peace, joy, and love.
As always, we encourage our families to also look beyond the commercial craziness of preparing for Christmas and consider delving more into the Advent journey. Our religion series, Sadlier Religion, has put together a calendar of daily Advent activities that you can follow: Family Advent Calendar . Or, consider coming up with your own calendar of ideas that will get your family in the true Christmas spirit.
Should you wish to share pictures of your family participating in Advent-focused activities, please email them to and we will try to share them on our daily emails.