Vaping Prevention Assembly (Middle School)

SJS to be Featured on Better Connecticut!

A huge Thank You to all our students and staff that helped welcome Scot Haney yesterday afternoon…

Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest

Congratulations to the winners of the Knights of Columbus 2019 Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest!  The winners, pictured, were recognized today at Rosary.

Congratulations Virtue of the Month Winners

Congratulations to our December Virtue of the Month winners – nominated by their teachers for exemplifying the virtue of Truthfulness. 

Due Tomorrow: Box Tops!

Box tops will be counted after school on Wednesday, January 8th for the next dress-down contest. Please be sure to send in any box tops that you have accumulated by Wednesday morning to help your child’s grade win! (please label name and grade on the container or baggie you send them in).


Christmas Anticipation Mass & Holiday Bowl

Christmas Anticipation Mass today, followed by candy canes from Santa (with help from a few SJS elves), classroom Christmas parties, and the middle school Holiday Bowl = A GREAT way to head into Christmas break! Merry Christmas!

Book & Art Club Fun

The 1st and 2nd graders read read “The Penguin Who Wanted to be Different” and made ornaments out of model magic.

2nd Grade Gingerbread Houses

Yesterday our 2nd graders participated in the much-loved tradition of making gingerbread houses to bring home for Christmas. Below are some pictures of the kids creating and showing off their gingerbread masterpieces.

PJ Dress Down Raises $592!

Thank you to everyone who supported our $1.00 PJ dress down today (PJs or comfortable clothing meeting our dress code standards).  Together we raised…

Discover Today’s Saint James School (Video)