Blanket Donation

Thank you to everyone who donated blankets for Puerto Rico!  We stuffed an entire car full! 

Wacky Tacky Dress Down

Our students and staff rocked some pretty wacky and tacky outfits yesterday as part of our Catholic School’s Week dress down fun!

7th Grade Science Fair

Craft Night Fun!

Thank you to everyone who came out for our Family Craft night on Friday!  And, special thanks to our Elementary Art Teacher, Mrs. Rafferty for hosting this great event for our families!

Field Trip to Kindergarten!

Today our Pre-Kindergarten 4-year-old classes took a special field trip to the Big School to learn about Kindergarten! The Pre-K students…

7th & 8th Grade Math Competition

On Wednesday, January 22, 2020, Saint James School will participate in the Mathcounts School Competition from 2:10pm till 3:30pm.  All students in grades 7 and 8 are welcome to compete!  Any students staying after to participate should bring a note to school on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 so that we know who is participating.

Kindergarten Coding Robot Fun

Today for their enrichment time, our Kindergarten students worked in small groups to do some simple coding of the Dash Robots, using the Blockly coding program.

Kindergarten Library Time

2nd Grade Process Art Pines

2nd grade students worked on a Process Art Pine projects, using credit cards and q-tips to paint. Process Art is an artistic movement

3rd Graders Make Roller Coasters (STREAM)