Saint James School Raises Funds For Sandy Hook

Thank you to all our students and staff who participated in the green and white dress down day in support of Sandy Hook Elementary School today.  Together we raised $521.00  which will be used to purchase art supplies for the new Sandy Hook Elementary as well as items for the teachers.


8th Grade Show

Congratulations to the very talented Saint James School Class of 2013 on a wonderful job at the 8th Grade Show this morning!  Not only were we impressed with all the talent today, but everyone looked like they were having so much fun.  This annual tradition, done by the graduating class each year, serves as a special farewell from the 8th grade to the younger grades and school staff.

Multiplication Challenge Winners

Congratulations to Mrs. Kulinski’s 3rd grade class for winning the 2013 Multiplication Challenge!  And, Congratulations to Mrs. Camposeo’s 3rd grade class for winning the “most improved” award (from pre-test results to challenge day results)!  Pictures of the winning classes with their trophies are below:


$1 Green & White Dress Down Day Tomorrow – To Benefit Sandy Hook Schools

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a $1.00 green and white dress down day for all students to benefit Sandy Hook Elementary School.  Funds raised will go towards purchasing art supplies and other items for the Sandy Hook Elementary school and staff.

$1 Green & White Dress Down Day Tomorrow – To Benefit Sandy Hook Schools

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a $1.00 green and white dress down day for all students to benefit Sandy Hook Elementary School.  Funds raised will go towards purchasing art supplies and other items for the Sandy Hook Elementary school and staff.

Box Tops Winners For April

Congratulations to Mrs. Vassallo’s Kindergarten class for winning the April dress down day – collecting 788 Box Tops.  Mrs. Vassallo will advise when the class will have their dress down day for winning.

The next day (and final time for this year) for collecting and counting Box Tops is June 4th. Please hand in ALL your Box Tops at that time. They do expire and if you hold them all summer we may end up throwing out a bunch out next fall.

Heather Meyer will be looking for new volunteers to help sort and count for next year, beginning in September.

Summer Sports Camps at East Catholic

Each summer, East Catholic holds a number of summer sports camps for various age groups – including Volleyball, Lacrosse, Wrestling, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Cross Country and more.  Please click the link below to open a copy of the 2013 brochure.

East Catholic High School Summer Sports Programs


Art Class Fun with the Color Purple

Saint James School Art Teacher Mrs. Kara Sabatella gets dressed as a purple crayon to bring some extra fun and laughter to last week’s Art lesson in Mrs. Belsito’s 1st Grade class (pictures attached).


Important Information For This Year’s Kindergarten Parents

Just a reminder that the last full day of school for Kindergarten students (K only) is Thursday, June 13th.  The Kindergarten graduation & celebration will be held on Friday, June 14th.  On the 14th, students should arrive to school at 9:30am and parents/family members should report to the gym where the graduation ceremony will be held.  Students will go home with their family members after a celebration in the lower church.

Kindergarten families should have received a notice in their child’s folder earlier in the week regarding this. Please be on the lookout for additional details from the Kindergarten teachers in the weeks to come.

Congratulations to all our Kindergarten families on this exciting milestone!


Important Information For This Year's Kindergarten Parents

Just a reminder that the last full day of school for Kindergarten students (K only) is Thursday, June 13th.  The Kindergarten graduation & celebration will be held on Friday, June 14th.  On the 14th, students should arrive to school at 9:30am and parents/family members should report to the gym where the graduation ceremony will be held.  Students will go home with their family members after a celebration in the lower church.

Kindergarten families should have received a notice in their child’s folder earlier in the week regarding this. Please be on the lookout for additional details from the Kindergarten teachers in the weeks to come.

Congratulations to all our Kindergarten families on this exciting milestone!