1st Graders Release Butterflys

Over the past month, the first grade classes have watched the life cycle of a caterpillar right in their classrooms –  from larva to chrysalis (cocoon) to butterfly.  On Friday, students watched as the butterflys were released into the wild.

Tuesday’s Sports Banquet

Just a reminder that the SJS All Sports Banquet is being held at East Catholic on Tuesday, May 14th at 5:30pm.  RSVPs are due this Friday (please see flyer below)


Tuesday's Sports Banquet

Just a reminder that the SJS All Sports Banquet is being held at East Catholic on Tuesday, May 14th at 5:30pm.  RSVPs are due this Friday (please see flyer below)


Notice From CT Federation of Catholic School Parents Regarding Bus Service

On April 19, 2013, the Appropriations Committee of the General Assembly proposed a 70% cut in the funding for Catholic School Bus Transportation – a cut from $3,595,000 to $719,100.  Dale R. Hoyt, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Hartford has asked that parents reach out to their legislative leaders to ask them to reverse their proposal.

As noted by the CT Federation of Catholic School Parents in their memo, the Appropriations Committee should better appreciate that for years our Catholic Schools have saved the State about $360M each year; The Appropriations Committee should better appreciate that our parents also pay their fair share of local property taxes – and it is only right that they should receive some assistance for the transportation of many of our students.

Please open and read the attached Word document for more details.

Legislative Alert 05 08 2013

Fourth Grade Tours Historic Manchester

On Tuesday, May 7th, Saint James School Fourth Graders took a tour of Historic Manchester to learn more about the rich history of our town.  They visited the Manchester History Center, Fire Museum, Old Manchester Museum, Cheney Homestead, and Keeney Schoolhouse.  Volunteers from the Manchester Historical Society were on hand to offer guided tours of each site.  Pictures from the day are below.

International Day A Huge Success

Congratulations to the Saint James School 8th Grade class on the outstanding job they did hosting International Day.  The costumes, props and knowledge of their assigned country were very impressive.  Great job class of 2013!  Pictures from today are below…

Last Middle School Dance of the Year

Assumption school will host the last middle school dance of the school year this Friday, May 10th.  Please remember to print, sign, and bring a copy of the Assumption Dance Permission Form

SJS Soccer Gear Orders

The deadline for ordering St. James Soccer apparel is this Wednesday evening (May 8). Please order via the attached link.  


If you have any questions or problems please contact Jon Sargent @ sjssoccer@charter.net.  Payment is not required when ordering, once the orders are confirmed payments can be dropped off at the office or given to me at practice.  Please make checks payable to St. James School and place them in an envelope marked Attention – Jon Sargent – St. James Soccer Gear.

Land’s End Offers 30% Off Beginning Thursday, May 16th

Please note, Land’s End is having a site wide sale that includes Uniform Items beginning next Thursday and running through Tuesday, May 21st.  Click for flyer.


Land's End Offers 30% Off Beginning Thursday, May 16th

Please note, Land’s End is having a site wide sale that includes Uniform Items beginning next Thursday and running through Tuesday, May 21st.  Click for flyer.