4th Grade Science Fair


Yesterday the Saint James School 4th Grade class held its annual Science fair.  Students did a fantastic job of coming up with creative ideas to showcase and presenting their findings to all the other grades.

Pre-Kindergarten through 5th Grade Field Day 2013

A beautiful day for field day today, the students had a blast!  We took lots of pictures to share…here are some from the first part of the day.

Mother/Son Event

A great turn out and a beautiful day for the Mother/Son Event on Sunday.  One of the moms took a cute picture (below) of a few of the boys by the pool.  Thank you to everyone who came out to make the Saint James School mother/son event so much fun!


SJS Soccer Shirt Returns

For students that played SJS Soccer this Spring, please remember to return the team shirts to the school office (in a bag labeled with child’s name) once your students have finished the season.  Thank you.

Funding Restored For Catholic School Buses

Please read the information below from Dale Hoyt, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Hartford

Dear Catholic School Administrators, Parents/Guardians, Teachers, Students, and Friends of Catholic schools:

Thank you for your extremely hard work during the past few weeks, the General Assembly and Governor Malloy decided to fully restore the funding for buses (they also restored virtually all of the funding for public school buses — $24M).

Below is the text of line T625 of the Budget Bill, HB 6704, that shows $3.5M has been restored. The House of Representatives enacted the budget at 12:20am on Sunday, and the Senate will enact the Budget on Monday morning. I think that it is now safe for you to pull the alerts from your school websites. There is no need to make any more phone calls to the State Capitol at this time.

Non-Public School Transportation

This is great news at the start of a new week.

Peace and blessings-
Dale R. Hoyt, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Catholic Schools
Office of Catholic Schools
Archdiocese of Hartford

Saint James School Soccer Wins League Championship

For those that didn’t see our post on Facebook this weekend, we are excited to announce that the Saint James School JV Amber (5th Grade) Soccer Team won their league championship on Saturday – 2nd year in a row for these kids!

Also, a huge congratulations to their coach – Jon Sargent – for winning the league’s Coach Sportsmanship Award for adhering to the principals of “Character, Commitment, Fairness, and Christ” in his coaching.  A well deserved award for both Jon and his team who really demonstrated model sportsmanship (along with our SJS parents) during the games and after their wins.

Way to go Sabers!!

Reminder: Tomorrow's Field Day – Grades Pre-K through 5th

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Field Day for grades Pre-K – 5th Grade.   Students should wear their SJS gym shorts and gym sneakers with the color designated below.  Please remember to apply sunscreen to children in the morning as they will be outside for most of the day.  Students should also bring a water bottle labeled with their name.   School lunch WILL be provided tomorrow.

For parents who have signed up to bring watermelon (please cut into wedges), please drop that off in the breezeway either at morning drop-off or by 9:00am.   Water balloons should be dropped off by the Pre-Kindergarten fence at morning drop-off or by 9:00am.

T-Shirt Colors:

Pre-K – White

K – Red

1st – Orange

2nd – Yellow

3rd – Green

4th – Blue

5th – Purple

Teachers – Pink




Reminder: Tomorrow’s Field Day – Grades Pre-K through 5th

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Field Day for grades Pre-K – 5th Grade.   Students should wear their SJS gym shorts and gym sneakers with the color designated below.  Please remember to apply sunscreen to children in the morning as they will be outside for most of the day.  Students should also bring a water bottle labeled with their name.   School lunch WILL be provided tomorrow.

For parents who have signed up to bring watermelon (please cut into wedges), please drop that off in the breezeway either at morning drop-off or by 9:00am.   Water balloons should be dropped off by the Pre-Kindergarten fence at morning drop-off or by 9:00am.

T-Shirt Colors:

Pre-K – White

K – Red

1st – Orange

2nd – Yellow

3rd – Green

4th – Blue

5th – Purple

Teachers – Pink




5th Grade Creates Board Games

Over the past few weeks, the two 5th grade classes have been bringing reading to life.  Working in pairs, students created board games that were based on stories they read.  Their instructions for this project included creating a game board that depicted the setting of the story, game pieces that would represent the characters, and a game ending that would coincide with the conclusion of the book.  The rest was up to the students’ imagination.

Today, the 4th grade classes came up to the 5th grade classrooms to play the various games with their creators.   Kudos to all our 5th grade students on the tremendous job they did with this assignment!


7th Grade Dissects Frogs As Part of Life Sciences Class

The 7th grade, with permission from their parents, dissected frogs today as part of their Life Sciences studies.  Students did an impressive job – working with precision to follow the step by step instructions and then identify/record their findings. Pictures below.