There will be a a VIRTUS Training Session (Protecting God’s Children for Adults) in the Saint James Church basement on Tuesday, August 13th from 9:00am – 12:00pm for any parents, grandparents, etc. that plan to volunteer at Saint James School this year and have not previously attended a VIRTUS Training Session.
If you plant to attend this session, please RSVP to Carole at the Saint James Church rectory (860.643.2722) by August 6th.
Please remember, anyone who wishes to volunteer at Saint James School (including on field trips, during class room parties, lunch room helpers, etc.), must complete a background check authorization form (please submit competed form to the Saint James School Office) and attend a VIRTUS training session. The training and the background check must only be completed one time and will remain valid for all subsequent years you wish to volunteer at Saint James School.