Boys Basketball Tryouts (Thursday, October 17th)

Boys Basketball Tryouts for Thursday will be the same as last week.  Boys in grades 4-5 only from 5:30pm-7:00pm; Boys in grades 6-8 from 7:00pm-8:30pm.

Eastern Regional Band Performance This Saturday at SJS

Saturday at 1:00pm, Saint James School will host a performance by the CT Future Musicians Eastern Regional Band.  The Eastern Regional Band is comprised of 89 specially selected students from all across the eastern part of the state, including 11 students from Saint James School.  There is no charge for admission and all are welcome to attend.  We hope to see you there!


2013-2014 Middle School Dances

The Middle School Dances bring together 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from four area Catholic schools – Saint James, Saint Bridget, Saint Christopher, and Assumption – for a fun evening of dancing and socializing.

Please note, a Middle School Dance Chair (or Co-Chairs) are needed in order for the 2013-2014 Middle School Dances to happen.  We do not currently have anyone in that role, so Saint James’ participation in the schedule below is tentative pending parent volunteers from our school.  If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Kanute.


Middle School Dance Schedule 2013-2014

Veterans Day Celebration at SJS

Calling all family members of SJS students who have served – or are currently serving – in the armed forces.  On November 11, 2013 we will be having a special ceremony in your honor.  Please take a moment to read the attached notice sent home by the school earlier this week.


Reminder: No School on Monday

Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday for the Columbus Day Holiday.

Reminder: State of the School Presentation Next Wednesday

Just a reminder that next Wednesday, October 16th at 6:30pm in the school Gym, Saint James School will be presenting our 2013-2014 State of the School Address.  We hope you will join us for this informational meeting as we discuss our school’s performance in critical areas such as enrollment and standardized testing as well as student demographics, upcoming initiatives, and more.  In addition, we are excited to have Mr. Jason Hartling, Principal and Chief Administrator of East Catholic High School,  joining us as a guest speaker.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Day

Saint James School will host our annual Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Day on Thursday, October 24th .  Please note, this is also an early dismissal day for all students.  Please click here to view the notice – which will also be sent home this week in student’s folders.



Grandparents' and Special Persons' Day

Saint James School will host our annual Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Day on Thursday, October 24th .  Please note, this is also an early dismissal day for all students.  Please click here to view the notice – which will also be sent home this week in student’s folders.



Schedule Change For 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts This Thursday

Just a minor schedule change for 6th grade boys trying out for Basketball teams this Thursday (10/10).  Coach Glenn would like just 4th and 5th grade boys to come for the first tryout session from 5:30pm-7:00pm.  And, all boys in grades 6th -8th to come out for the second session from  7:00pm-8:30pm.  Our school website calendar has been updated to reflect this change.


There is no change to the girls tryout schedule for tonight.



Boys Basketball Open Gym

An open gym for boys basketball is being held tonight in the school gym as follows:

Boys 4th & 5th Grade – 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Boys 6th – 8th Grade – 7:30pm – 8:30pm

Please note, attendance is optional.  Tryouts for teams begins tomorrow (Wednesday) for Girls and Thursday for boys.  Please refer to the website calendar for times.