Friday's Middle School Dance @ SJS

Saint James School students attending the school dance on Friday (February 7th) are asked to bring the following items:

6th graders: individually wrapped snacks (no peanut products please)

7th and 8th graders: 1 gallon jugs of water

Please bring items to the cafeteria anytime on Friday or to the gym the night of the school dance.

The dance will run from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.  Attending students should bring their signed Middle School Dance permission slip and $5.00 entrance fee.

Thank you,

Saint James Middle school Dance Committee

Saint James Basketball Games Tonight

Looking for a fun activity for this evening?  Come on out to cheer on the Saint James School boys and girls JV and Varsity basketball teams as they play Corpus Christi in Wethersfield.  All games are being held at Corpus Christi (581 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield, CT 06109).  The schedule for the evening is as follows:

5:00pm  JV Girls

6:00pm  JV Boys

7:00pm Varsity Girls

8:00pm Varsity Boys


The 7:00pm and 8:00pm games will also consist of 8th Grade Recognition Ceremonies.


Good luck Sabers!




8th Graders – In Their Own Words

Recently our 8th grade students, who are preparing for graduation in the spring, were asked whether they would recommend Saint James School based on their experiences here.  We were so moved by the responses, we have decided to post several of them over the next few weeks.  We hope you will enjoy reading them as much as we did!

This first one is from 8th grader Kaeleigh who joined SJS in 6th grade:

“Saint James Middle School is the best place to help us prepare for high school.  I have many reasons why I chose Saint James above all other middle schools and it was one of the best decisions my family and I made.  One reason for choosing Saint James was when I left my old school to shadow, I immediately felt like I was a part of the class.  The teachers, staff, and students welcomed me more than you can imagine.  The friends and memories I made here will last forever.  Another reason for choosing Saint James is that I like having two classrooms of every grade and having a great science lab.  The atmosphere of continuous learning is rewarding to me not to mention how proud I feel when my artwork is displayed in the hallways.

Students from Saint James excel and go on to get accepted into excellent high schools such as East Catholic, Mercy, Xavier, and Kingswood Oxford.  The teachers prepare us very well making it an easy adjustment for when we get to high school.  There are lots of other activities to become involved in while at Saint James such as Student Council, drama club, and sports to name a few.  I was very excited to be a part of history when Saint James was recognized and became a blue ribbon school.

I truly believe that you will have a bright future ahead of you if you become a part of Saint James School.  I said it before – best decision of my life.”


5th Grade Ship Day Postponed

Attention 5th grade parents: Due to today’s snow day, the 5th grade journey to the new world has been postponed until NEXT Tuesday (February 11th).  Students should come to school in their regular school uniforms tomorrow.



Blue & Gold $1 Dress Down – Friday, January 31st

On Friday, January 31st, students may dress down in Blue & Gold for a $1.00/student donation.  All contributions will go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Connecticut chapter.



Blue & Gold $1 Dress Down – Friday, January 31st

On Friday, January 31st, students may dress down in Blue & Gold for a $1.00/student donation.  All contributions will go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Connecticut chapter.



Save The Date: Annual Saint James School Gala & Auction Fundraiser

This year, the annual Saint James School Gala & Auction will be at Georgina’s Restaurant in Bolton, CT on Saturday, March 15th, from 6pm to 11pm.  The cost is $40 per person which includes a buffet dinner (Chicken Francaise, Beef with mushroom sauce, and Baked Scrod).  This year’s celebrity auctioneer will be Joe Furey, weatherman for Channel 61 news! There will be a DJ and dancing following the auction.


There will be many silent and live auction items, including reserved seating at many school events, reserved front pew seating at the St. James Church Christmas Eve mass, 4 one day hopper passes for Disney World, personalized items from school classes and teachers, and many more!!


There will also be the very popular raffle of large baskets from each class filled with great merchandise.  Come join the fun while we raise funds for our school and students in our biggest fundraiser of the year!  Invitations will be sent home with Saint James Students in the next couple of weeks.   For extra invitations for family or friends, or for questions, please contact Gala Chair Paul Munns at or 860-214-4249.

Save The Date: Annual Saint James School Gala & Auction Fundraiser

This year, the annual Saint James School Gala & Auction will be at Georgina’s Restaurant in Bolton, CT on Saturday, March 15th, from 6pm to 11pm.  The cost is $40 per person which includes a buffet dinner (Chicken Francaise, Beef with mushroom sauce, and Baked Scrod).  This year’s celebrity auctioneer will be Joe Furey, weatherman for Channel 61 news! There will be a DJ and dancing following the auction.


There will be many silent and live auction items, including reserved seating at many school events, reserved front pew seating at the St. James Church Christmas Eve mass, 4 one day hopper passes for Disney World, personalized items from school classes and teachers, and many more!!


There will also be the very popular raffle of large baskets from each class filled with great merchandise.  Come join the fun while we raise funds for our school and students in our biggest fundraiser of the year!  Invitations will be sent home with Saint James Students in the next couple of weeks.   For extra invitations for family or friends, or for questions, please contact Gala Chair Paul Munns at or 860-214-4249.

Congratulations to the SJS Varsity Gold Teams

Congratulations to the Saint James Varsity Boys Gold team, which placed FIRST in the annual Martin Luther King tournament this weekend defeating Holy Trinity in overtime. The Boys went undefeated in the tournament capturing their first MLK championship.

Congratulations also go out to the Saint James Varsity Girls Gold team, for placing second in the girl’s MLK tournament. St Paul’s defeated SJS in the finals to take the championship trophy in a hard fought game.



Due Tomorrow: Final SJS Basketball Apparel Orders

Didn’t get a chance to order everything you wanted?  Saint James School is offering a 2nd opportunity to order SJS basketball apparel!  Attached is the updated order form, which will be due back to the school office with payment by tomorrow Friday, January 10th.  If you have any questions regarding the apparel items, please contact parent volunteer Gina Clark at 860.965.3929 or

SJS Basketball Order Form

SJS Basketball Apparel Pictures