SJS Students Compete in Regional and State Free Throw Contests

On Saturday, the Knights of Columbus held their regional free throw contest.  Saint James School Fifth Graders Nicholas Sickman and Christopher Phelan competed, having previously won the local competition in their age group.  Both students did great in the regional competition, with Nicholas again winning his age group to move on to the State free throw competition on March 16th.  Congratulations to both students on these accomplishments!



SJS Girls Varsity Basketball Wins “February Frenzy”

Congratulations to the SJS Girls Varsity Basketball team for beating out 5 other teams to win the “February Frenzy.”  Coach Sarpu credits solid scoring by all players sparked by Izzy’s team-leading assists and defensive steals.  He also highlights 8th Graders Payten, Kaylee, Lexi, and Erica, all of whom excelled in stifling their opponents’ leading scorers.  The entire team exhibited solid teamwork and excellent sportsmanship.  Congratulations!




SJS Girls Varsity Basketball Wins "February Frenzy"

Congratulations to the SJS Girls Varsity Basketball team for beating out 5 other teams to win the “February Frenzy.”  Coach Sarpu credits solid scoring by all players sparked by Izzy’s team-leading assists and defensive steals.  He also highlights 8th Graders Payten, Kaylee, Lexi, and Erica, all of whom excelled in stifling their opponents’ leading scorers.  The entire team exhibited solid teamwork and excellent sportsmanship.  Congratulations!




Rotary Club Visits SJS 3rd Grade

Yesterday, Mr. Ward, Mr. Lawrance, and Mr. Prasad – members of the local Rotary Club – visited with Saint James 3rd grade students – handing out student dictionaries and talking about the Rotary Club’s work throughout the world.  Below are pictures from the two 3rd grade classes:


IMG_7127 Rotary1

Read To Achieve Final Logs Due Tomorrow

Due to the snow days and vacation, we have extended the final deadline for the Read To Achieve Final logs to tomorrow (Tuesday, February 25th).



Extended Day Registration

Registration for the Extended Day program for the 2014-2015 school year is now open.  Please remember, families who are currently using the Extended Day program MUST re-register each school year to help us plan for staffing, etc.

A copy of the 2014-2015 Extended Day Registration Form can be downloaded here.



This Week: Student Council Collecting Coats & More For MACC

Student council will be collecting gently used coats for adults and children all this week in support of MACC.  They will also be collecting new slippers, socks, hats, and gloves.  Due to the extremely cold winter, volunteers at MACC said they have already depleted their supply of coats and are extremely grateful for our support.  Donations should be sent into school and will be brought to MACC by SJS staff on Friday, February 28th.



This Week: Student Council Collecting Coats & More For MACC

Student council will be collecting gently used coats for adults and children all this week in support of MACC.  They will also be collecting new slippers, socks, hats, and gloves.  Due to the extremely cold winter, volunteers at MACC said they have already depleted their supply of coats and are extremely grateful for our support.  Donations should be sent into school and will be brought to MACC by SJS staff on Friday, February 28th.



Box Tops Due Thursday

Please note, due to the shortened month, Box Tops should be submitted by this Thursday to count towards the February dress down contest.



Gala Invitations

Please be on the lookout for your family’s invitation to the 2014 Saint James School Gala and Auction, coming home with students in today’s “kidmail.”  If you need an additional invitation (for yourself, family, or friends) please stop by the school office.