Blue & Gold Dress Down Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our blue & gold dress down day (or any “Saint James School” apparel may also be worn).  We will be having our school pep-rally tomorrow afternoon.





Blue & Gold Dress Down Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our blue & gold dress down day (or any “Saint James School” apparel may also be worn).  We will be having our school pep-rally tomorrow afternoon.





Lunch Accounts

Lunch account statements are being sent home today in your child’s folder.  Please take a few moments to locate the statement and make sure your account balance is up-to-date.  Delinquent balances must be paid by Monday.


Band Schedule

Please note, advanced band will rehearse this Thursday at 11:30am.  There will be normal lessons for grades 4&5 on Thursday and lessons for grades 5-8 on Friday.



MACC Change Challenge: Change for Change

A reminder that Saint James School classes are collecting change in support of MACC charities through January 30th.  This is a great way to help guide your child in charitable giving and an opportunity for parents to explain about those who often go without basic necessities.

Each classroom has a change box that they are working on filling – 100% of the proceeds go directly to MACC (Manchester Area Conference of Churches) charities.  The class with the most change at the end of January will win a Pizza Party with Mrs. Kanute!  Second place is a chocolate and cookie party, and third place is special morning or afternoon snack.

We again thank you for all your support of our charitable initiatives.

MACC Change Challenge



Open House Postponed

The Saint James School Open House for prospective families, originally scheduled for tomorrow (Jan 27th) has been re-scheduled to Tuesday, February 3rd at 8:30am.  Families unable to make the reschedule date are invited to attend the March 10th open house (6:30pm) or call the Main Office at 860.643.5088 (Option 1) to schedule a private tour on a convenient date/time.









Extended Day Pick-up by 1:00pm Today

Please note, Saint James School will dismiss at 12:05 today as per the early dismissal schedule.  In addition, all children attending aftercare must be picked up by 1:00pm per the early dismissal policy.



All State Band Auditions this Friday

All State Band auditions will be held tomorrow evening (Friday, January 23rd) starting at 6:00 pm at Saint James School for any Regional Band students who wish to participate in the All State Band.

“The Outsiders” Pictures

Today, Saint James School 8th graders traded their uniforms for 1960’s attire in honor of finishing their coursework on the book The Outsiders.  In addition to writing a cause and effect essay, students were given moral/ethical questions to consider both before and after they read the book.  These questions were used for class discussions on tolerance, acceptance, empathy, and other themes central to the story.  Pictures below are from Mrs. Wolpert’s 10:10 class.

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"The Outsiders" Pictures

Today, Saint James School 8th graders traded their uniforms for 1960’s attire in honor of finishing their coursework on the book The Outsiders.  In addition to writing a cause and effect essay, students were given moral/ethical questions to consider both before and after they read the book.  These questions were used for class discussions on tolerance, acceptance, empathy, and other themes central to the story.  Pictures below are from Mrs. Wolpert’s 10:10 class.

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