3rd Graders Discover Tertiary Colors (pictures)

Today, SJS 3rd graders learned about “tertiary colors” – colors that result from mixing a primary and a secondary color – during art class.   Elementary school art teacher, Mrs. Sabatella, had students create tertiary colors to use for painting the rainforest bird pictures they drew during a prior art class.  Rainforest sounds were played to set the mood while students were painting these beautiful works of art.

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Congratulations SJS Boys JV Basketball

Congratulations to the Saint James School Boys JV Basketball team for winning the overall deanery basketball tournament last night!











Missing from the photo are A. Setzler and A. DiBenedetto

Hats Off to Reading Contest

In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, today Mrs. Carpenter kicked off another fun reading contest for the Kindergarten through 5th grade classes.  Reading logs will be passed out in library this week & details on the contest will be discussed.  The grade with the most books read during the contest will win a dress down day & no homework night!  Extra reading logs are available in the library, from the classroom teachers, or can be printed HERE.  If you have any questions on the contest, please e-mail Mrs. Carpenter at lcarpenter@saintjamesschool.net.  Good luck everyone!


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Reminder: Lenten Prayer Service Tomorrow Morning

During lent, Student Council will be sponsoring Prayer Services on Friday mornings and a couple of Wednesday mornings. Please take this time to join us in prayers for family, friends, peace, and other special intentions. Also, this will be a time of giving thanks for the many Blessings we have in our lives.

All students, faculty, parents, and other guests of our students are invited to join us in prayer at 7:30 a.m. in Room 7-14 on Wed – 3/4, 3/25, and 4/1 plus all the Fridays in March.





Just Added for the Gala Auction

A few very exciting updates to the growing list of items being auctioned off at the 2015 Gala:

  • Father Casey, Mrs. Vassallo, and Mrs. Camposeo will come to your kitchen and cook an authentic Roman pasta dinner for 10. They will prepare, cook, set up, and clean up this amazing dinner, so invite 8-9 of your closest friends and prepare for a night of enjoyable Roman dining in the comfort of your own home. The time will be set based upon the convenience of the winner as well as the schedules of the three master chefs.  N.B.: Father Casey’s cooking skills are largely acclaimed only in his own opinion and not verified by an objective source.
  • Anderson Jewelers has very generously donated diamond earrings ($600.00 value), a Pandora necklace and earrings set (value $180.00) and an Alex & Ani bracelet.
  • Two American Girl dolls:  one is the Isabelle doll and the other is a My American Girl doll with brown hair and green eyes.

If you forgot to get your RSVP for the Gala in today, please send it in first thing Monday morning.  Addition information on the 2015 Gala can be found HERE.






Returning Family Registrations Due Tomorrow

Please remember that returning family registration forms (and deposit) are due by tomorrow.  Please call the main office if you have any questions about 2015-2016 registration.




Gala Basket Items Due Friday/ Dress Down March 6th

Just a reminder that items for the SJS Class Baskets are due tomorrow – Friday, February 27th.

A dress down day will be held next Friday (March 6th) for students who bring in an item for the basket.

These baskets bring in thousands of dollars for our school and are important to the success of the Gala.  We hope everyone will support our SJS parent volunteers in this important initiative.

Each student should have received a note from their child(ren)’s room mother(s) detailing the basket theme and items needed.  Please coordinate with the room mother to make sure the item is still needed prior to purchasing.  As an alternative, cash can be sent in (in a clearly marked envelope) that the room mother can use to purchase items needed for the basket.

As always, we thank you for your support!


Next Week’s HSA Meeting Cancelled

Due to scheduling conflicts, next week’s HSA meeting has been cancelled.

Next Week's HSA Meeting Cancelled

Due to scheduling conflicts, next week’s HSA meeting has been cancelled.

Boys Varsity Basketball Location Change

The boys varsity gold basketball team will be playing on Friday night at 6:00pm at East Hartford Middle School vs. St Chris.  Parents are asked to have players at the EHMS gym no later than 5:30pm.