Field Day 2015

A huge Thank You to Mrs. Reilly for coordinating field day yesterday and to the many parent volunteers and teachers/staff who helped make it such a fun day for the kids!  Below are a few pictures from the day:

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3rd and 6th Science Lab

Earlier in the week, the 6th grade and 3rd grade classes came together to work on a science lab.  Below are a few pictures:

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12:05pm Dismissal Wednesday & Thursday

Just a reminder that we have half days (12:05pm dismissal) on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, our last two days of school for this year.  Aftercare will be in session both days.  School resumes on August 27th, which is a half day.  We wish everyone a wonderful, relaxing summer!



12:05pm Dismissal Wednesday & Thursday

Just a reminder that we have half days (12:05pm dismissal) on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, our last two days of school for this year.  Aftercare will be in session both days.  School resumes on August 27th, which is a half day.  We wish everyone a wonderful, relaxing summer!



Instrumental Music Notice

Lessons and band for grades 4 and 5 will meet Wednesday June 10th. The beginning band students will be putting on a workshop of the instruments  for all interested third graders.

Field Day

Thank you to all the parents who have signed up to bring items for Field Day.  If you are bringing watermelon or cups, please drop them off at the breezeway/connector in the morning.  Watermelon should be cut into wedges.
If you are bringing water balloons, please set them next to the fence in the staff parking lot that is between the Pre-K and School.

Middle School Field Day

Another huge Thank You to Mrs. Reilly for coordinating the Middle School field day yesterday and to the many parent volunteers and teachers/staff who helped make it such a fun day for the kids!  Below are a few pictures that Mrs. Reilly sent in from the day:

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Reminder To Pick Up School Medications

A reminder to all parents/guardians, please remember to pick up all medications/equipment from the nurse today.  Students CANNOT bring them home themselves.  Also, all medication authorization forms need to be renewed annually for each school year.   It is the parents’/guardians’ responsibility to bring medications and a completed/signed medication authorization form to the nurse for the 2015-2016 school year.

Field Day 2015

Field Day for students in Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade will take place on Thursday, June 11th (Raindate: Friday, June 12th).  Lunch will be served as usual. Students should wear Gym Shorts and a T-Shirt in the color designated for their grade:

Pre-K:  White

Kindergarten: Red

1st:  Orange

2nd: Yellow

3rd: Green

4th: Blue

5th: Purple

Teachers: Pink

6th & 7th grade will have their field day on Wednesday, June 17th.  Students should wear the following:  Mrs. Plante – Red,  Mrs. McQuaid – Blue, Mrs. Wolpert – Green, Miss. O – Yellow

The Field Day informational flyer can be downloaded HERE.

Saint James Blue Wins JV Soccer Championship

Congratulations to the Saint James Blue soccer team for finishing the season undefeated (14-0) and winning the JV Championship Tournament this past Saturday!  Saint James Cobalt also brought home a trophy for taking 2nd place in the JV wrap-up tournament this weekend.  Way to go Sabers!!

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