SJS Parent/Student Handbook

The teachers and staff will be reviewing the parent/student handbook tomorrow with all students.  A signature page will be sent home that all parents and students will need to sign and return to the teacher next week.  Parents may access a copy of the handbook by clicking HERE or by visiting the “Forms & Documents” page of our website (yellow link on the right hand side).

Instrumental Music Notice

On Friday, August 28th, all instrumental music students in grades 5-8 will have lessons and band. The advanced Band will meet at 12:00 and the Intermediate Band will meet at 12:30. All new students in grades 5-8 who already play an instrument should bring them to school Friday August 28 for a special class.

Welcome Back Coffee & Danish – First Day of School

Please drop by and join us in the school Cafeteria on the first day of school (7:55am-9:00am) for coffee & danishes – sponsored by the Saint James Home & School Association.  Come catch up with old friends, meet new ones, and ask those last minute questions you may have!  We look forward to seeing you!

2015-2016 School Bus Routes

The 2015-2016 bus routes for St. James were posted on the town of Manchester’s website this morning.  We have added a link on our website as well.  You can access the bus list HERE or by visiting the SJS website.

Extended Day Program

Please remember that Extended Day Registration Forms are now due for all families that will be using the program for the 2015-2016 school year.  This includes returning families.  All families participating in the Extended Day Program must submit a new form every year.  If you have any questions regarding the Extended Day Program, Ms. Jean can be reached at during the summer.  If you forgot to send your form in by last Friday, please put it in the mail today or tomorrow so Ms. Jean will have it by the end of the week.

New Windows Installed!

Another round of new windows were installed at the school during the month of July thanks to the many generous donations to last year’s SJS Annual Fund Campaign, a sizable grant, and support from local businesses through the CT Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit Program. With this current installation, all classrooms will have brand-new windows when students return to school the end of August! In addition, we expect work to begin next week on the first of several phases in the roof replacement project. Pictures of the roof renovation will be added to the school website during the month of August.

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Summer Hours

The school office will be open most weeks over the summer from 9am-1pm Tuesday through Thursday.  We recommend calling calling ahead to make sure someone is in the office if you are planning to stop by to drop off paperwork or visit the uniform closet.




Instrumental Music Note

Just a reminder that there will be lessons and band tomorrow, Friday, June12, for grades 5-7

Reminder: Field Day Tomorrow Pre-k – 5th

A reminder that tomorrow is field day for grades Pre-K through 5th.  Please remember to apply sunscreen to your students in the morning – it is going to be a hot one!  Also, students should wear their sneakers, gym shorts, and the color shirt that corresponds with their grade:   Field Day 2015 Flyer. 

A reminder for parents who have signed up to bring items for Field Day.  If you are bringing watermelon or cups, please drop them off at the breezeway/connector in the morning.  Watermelon should be cut into wedges.

If you are bringing water balloons, please set them next to the fence in the staff parking lot that is between the Pre-K and School.