Reminder: VIRTUS Class for SJS Families Tomorrow Night

Any parent/grandparent/guardian that wishes to volunteer in any capacity at Saint James School (classroom parties, field trips, special events, coaching, etc.), must complete a background check and VIRTUS training session before they can volunteer.  This only has to be done once during your child’s time at SJS (not each year).

A special VIRTUS training class for Saint James families will be held at St. James Church on Wednesday, September 9th from 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.  Parents must pre-register for this session with Carole at the St. James Church Rectory (860-643-4129).

Standard Uniforms For Tomorrow

Please note, all students (with the exception of Mrs. Gangloff’s class) should wear their regular uniform to school tomorrow (Friday), even classes that normally have Gym on Friday.  Students in grades 1-8 will attend Mass tomorrow.  No gym uniforms should be worn to school tomorrow, except for students in Mrs. Gangloff’s class.

Instrumental Music Schedule Change

Due to the School Mass on Friday, Mr. Corcoran will teach lessons for grades 4 and 5 tomorrow (Thursday September 3rd).

Future Musicians (School Band) New Parents Meeting Tonight

Just a reminder that there will be a meeting this evening at 6:30pm in the Cafeteria for beginning band parents & students Gr. 4 – 8 who will be joining the band program this year or are interested in learning more about the instrumental music program.

Gym Uniform

Just a reminder that Mrs. Kanute is allowing students to wear their GYM UNIFORM (with sneakers) to school tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday due to the high temperatures forecasted for the next few days.

HSA Meeting Tonight

The first HSA (Home & School Association) Meeting of the new school year will be held Tonight (Tuesday, September 1st) at 7:00pm in the gym.  HSA meetings are open to all Saint James School parents/ grandparents/ guardians.  Additional details can be found HERE.  We hope to see you there!

Letter from the Superintendent

Please take a moment to read the attached letter from Dr. Hoyt, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Hartford.

Fall 2015 Letter to Parents and Guardians

SJS Cross Country Paperwork Due Monday

The first Cross Country practice of the season will be held on Tuesday, September 1st. It will be open to all SJS students in 5th – 8th grade.  In order to participate, the the 2015-2016 Athletic Health Form must be completed and turned in by this coming Monday, along with the $35.00 cross country fee required for each participant (Make checks out to Saint James School).

Practices are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15-3:30pm, unless otherwise noted by the coach.  Students should dismiss to the school gym with the WALKERS group.  They will wait in the gym with the teacher until Coach O’Neill comes down to get them.  Please be outside the gym for pickup by 3:30pm.

Please contact Coach O’Neill at the school if you are interested in helping with the Cross Country program.

Attention Extended Day Parents

For those of you who created a new PIN for yourself or an authorized person on your 2015-2016 Extended Day emergency form, many of you have listed a pin already in use.  Please confirm with Ms. Jean when picking up your child before you enter your pin into the pad for the first time.  A new pin has been assigned to those of you who chose pins already in use.  If you are a returning family and kept the same pin as last year, you should be fine.  When signing out, please always confirm with the screen that you have entered the correct pin.  Thank you.

First Day of School Pictures

We hope everyone had a great first day of school!  Below are a few pictures from this morning (click image to enlarge).

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