Mad Science Begins Today

The Mad Science Program will begin today, October 8th, for students in grades 1-4 that have signed up to participate. We are in need of one additional parent volunteer to help the 1st & 2nd grade Mad Science instructor throughout the 8-week program. Please contact Mrs. DelSignore in the school office if you can help out.

Students not going to aftercare when the program concludes should be picked up in the breezeway at 3:15pm (parents should wait outside the breezeway door for students to be walked down by the Mad Science instructors).

Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Form Due Tomorrow (Friday)

Just a reminder that the RSVP form for Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Day is due back to the school tomorrow, Friday, October 9th.


Grandparents' & Special Persons' Form Due Tomorrow (Friday)

Just a reminder that the RSVP form for Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Day is due back to the school tomorrow, Friday, October 9th.


Fall Into Reading

Kindergarten through 5th grade classes are in the midst of the Fall Into Reading contest, sponsored by the Saint James School library. For every book your student reads, they should fill out a paper leaf which they can get from Mrs. Carpenter or their classroom teacher. The grade with the largest “leaf pile” at the end of the contest will win a dress down day and a no homework day.

The contest is being discussed weekly with students during their library time and Kindergarten through 5th grade parents should have received a notice home in their student’s folder.  The contest will run through November 3rd.

The Wall That Heals

Today, Saint James students were able to witness history as the “Wall That Heals” made its way up Main Street en route to Center Memorial Park where it will be on display through October 11.  Students waved flags and cheered for the veterans who rode with the procession.  Below are a few pictures from this morning (click to enlarge).  Special thanks to Mrs. Italia for helping capture many of these great images.



HSA Meeting Tomorrow Night (Oct 6)

The next HSA meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 6th from 7:00pm – 8:00pm (the meeting will still be held even though school is not in session) in the school cafeteria.  All SJS parents/grandparents are encouraged to join us as we prepare for upcoming social, fundraising, and special events at our school and brainstorm new ideas through open discussion.

Childcare will be available during the meeting! 

Reminder: No School Tuesday

Just a reminder there is no school tomorrow, (Tuesday, October 6th) as our teachers will be attending a Catholic Educators Curriculum Conference.

Open Gym Reminders

As a reminder, tonight’s (Monday’s) Basketball Open Gym for girls will be for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade from 5-7pm.  Open Gym on Wednesday will be for 6th – 8th grade girls.

Boys in 4th & 5th grade will have Open Gym on Tuesday evening from 5-7pm and 6th-8th grade boys will be on Thursday.

As previously noted, the Athletic Health form must be turned in to the office at least a full day in advance in order for a student to participate.

Congratulations SJS Cross Country

Despite the rain and cold temps, the Saint James School cross country team had a great race on Saturday at the 4th annual Harry Geraghty Cross Country Invitational at Rockville High School.

The SJS girls took first place overall out of the 6 schools competing.  Scoring for the team were: Lindsay O., who came in 4th out of 86 girls running,  followed by Elizabeth M. in 6th, Isabelle B. in 7th, Maeve Williams in 11th, and Ally A. in 13th.  Izabella R. also finished in the top 20 runners.

For the boys, Saint James School came in 3rd out of 8 schools competing.  Earning points for the team were Aiden P., who came in 9th out of 119 runners, Nathan M in 18th, Nick G. in 19th, Matthew S. in 30th, and Noah K. in 41st.

Great job Sabers!


Attention 8th Grade Parents

A reminder that the 8th grade yearbook informational form (handed out on Tuesday) and pictures are due this coming Monday.  All 8th grade students are required to turn this form in with a parent/guardian signature.

2015-2016 8th Grade Yearbook Information Request