Grandparents' Day Pictures

A huge thank you to all our guests who visited Saint James School during Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ day on Friday.  After a short performance by the band and various classes, guests visited the classrooms of their SJS students where they participated in fun activities.  Below are some pictures we took throughout the morning (click pictures to enlarge).


Gala Meeting Tonight

There will be a Gala Committee meeting tonight (Monday, October 26th) at 6:30 p.m. in the Saint James Church hall (downstairs).  All SJS parents and grandparents are invited to join us as we plan this fun, annual event.

Girls Basketball Tryouts Today

Just a reminder that Girls JV and Varsity Basketball tryouts are today.  JV (4th – 6th grade) tryouts will be held after school from 2:00pm – 4:00pm in the gym.  Varsity tryouts (7th & 8th grade, and any 6th graders wishing to try for Varsity) will be held from 5:00pm – 7:00pm.

Please refer to the calendar on the website homepage for all basketball dates or you may access just the basketball schedule by going to the Extra Curricular/Basketball page on our school website.


Boys Basketball Reminders

A boys basketball parents meeting (for parents and players) will be held tonight (Monday, October 26th) from 7:00pm – 8:00pm in the cafeteria.  This meeting is for all levels of SJS basketball (4th – 8th grade).


Boys 4th & 5th grade player evaluations (for team placement) are Tuesday, October 27th from 5:00pm-7:00pm.


Boys JV (6th grade) tryouts will be held Saturday, October 31st from 10:00am-12:00pm.


As of today, we are still in need of coaches for the 6th grade.  If you can help coach or know anyone who might be willing to coach, please call Bill Creamer @#860-830-1261. (You do not need to have a child on the team to coach).

All basketball dates can be found on the school website calendar (to access just basketball dates, visit the basketball webpage under the Extra Curricular tab)

Middle School Dance Tonight

The first middle school dance of the year is tonight, Friday, October 23rd, at St. Christopher School in East Hartford.  The Middle School Dances – which are for students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th – begin at 7:00pm and run until 10:00pm.

Please remember:

  • Phones and/or other electronic devices are not allowed at the dance.  If your child brings one, they will be required to leave it with the check-in volunteers.
  • There is a $5.00 per student admission fee.
  • Parents must sign their child(ren) in and out of the dance.

12:05 Dismissal Tomorrow/Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day

Just a reminder that dismissal is at 12:05pm tomorrow, Friday, October 23rd.  If your child is going to aftercare, please remember to pack them a lunch, as no hot lunch will be served tomorrow.

The grandparents’ and special persons’ celebration begins at 10:00am in the gym (doors will open at 9:45).  Please let guests know that they should enter through the gym entrance way.  Also, please make sure that guests know which homeroom teacher(s) your child(ren) have as they will be visiting the classrooms.

12:05 Dismissal Tomorrow/Grandparents' & Special Persons' Day

Just a reminder that dismissal is at 12:05pm tomorrow, Friday, October 23rd.  If your child is going to aftercare, please remember to pack them a lunch, as no hot lunch will be served tomorrow.

The grandparents’ and special persons’ celebration begins at 10:00am in the gym (doors will open at 9:45).  Please let guests know that they should enter through the gym entrance way.  Also, please make sure that guests know which homeroom teacher(s) your child(ren) have as they will be visiting the classrooms.

Reminder: Bertucci’s Dine Out Tonight

Come on out to BERTUCCI’S this evening and have a delicious meal while supporting Saint James School.  Dine-in or Carry-out at Bertucci’s in Manchester this evening ( Thursday, Oct 22nd) from 4pm-9pm and the school will receive 15% of your sale.  You must present the attached flyer to your server in order for the school to get the credit.

As always, we appreciate your your support of our school!

Reminder: Bertucci's Dine Out Tonight

Come on out to BERTUCCI’S this evening and have a delicious meal while supporting Saint James School.  Dine-in or Carry-out at Bertucci’s in Manchester this evening ( Thursday, Oct 22nd) from 4pm-9pm and the school will receive 15% of your sale.  You must present the attached flyer to your server in order for the school to get the credit.

As always, we appreciate your your support of our school!

Halloween Party RSVP Deadline Extended

It is not too late to sign up for the school Halloween Party.  It will be an afternoon of games, dancing, face-paint, tasty treats, and lots of fun with friends!  Please send in your RSVP to join in the fun!

Halloween Party Flyer