SJS Toy Drive
Saint James School is collecting new, unwrapped toys for local families in need of a little extra help this Christmas. Toys will be collected through December 18th and will be donated locally.
Saint James School is collecting new, unwrapped toys for local families in need of a little extra help this Christmas. Toys will be collected through December 18th and will be donated locally.
Fifth grade students recently read the historical fiction book “The Sign of the Beaver” about a 12-year-old boy befriended by Native American Indians in Maine in 1768. At the conclusion of the book, students made Native American headbands, painted their faces, and enjoyed a “traditional” feast. During the feast, which began with a special prayer, students discussed lessons from the book including how the Penobscot Indians were a peaceful and thankful tribe who let nothing go to waste. Students also enjoyed some traditional Native American games. Below are some pictures from the celebration (click to enlarge).
Mrs. Kanute and the Saint James staff wish to extend a huge thank you to all the volunteers who spearheaded and helped out at the Christmas Store last week. This is such a fun event for our children and we are grateful to all the volunteers who put so much time and effort into making it run smoothly.
As a clarification on yesterday’s e-mail – all Intermediate Band Members, in all instruments, are invited to play. Additional support is requested from Advance Band members in the following instruments: flute, clarinet, tenor sax, and persuasion.
One of our band parents, Mark Flores, is forming a Pep Band to play during the Saint James Varsity Basketball game this Saturday (12/19) at 2:30pm. He will be holding two practices: Today (12/16) and Thursday (12/17) from 3:30pm to 4:30pm on the gym stage. This is completely optional for Intermediate band students (all instruments). Also optional for any Advanced Band students that play Flute, Clarinet, Percussion, or Tenor Sax who would like to join. Please arrive with your instrument and all band songs learned/played this year. Additional music will be handed out and practiced. Contact Mark Flores ( if you have any questions.
Please save the date for the annual SJS Mother/Son event! This year our event will be the Hartford Wolf Pack vs. Portland Pirates game on Sunday January 24th at 3:00pm (Snow date of February 28th). A flyer will come home with more specifics after Christmas break.
The Christmas Store returns to the Saint James School Gym tomorrow (Wednesday, December 9th) for one day only. The store will be open during school hours. Children will visit the store with their classes and will be able to purchase low cost gifts for those on their Christmas lists. Gifts will be available for parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, pets, and more. Please remember to send your child with cash on December 9th if you would like them to make purchases at the Christmas Store.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Christine Pesola-Strickland at or 914-582-7869.
Congratulations to all our performers on a wonderful job at both Christmas concerts yesterday. Please click the links below to watch some of the performances from the evening concert.
Angels We Have Heard on High (5th – 8th grade band students)
Come All Ye Faithful (1st & 4th grade singing with SJS band)
Carol of the Bells (5th – 8th grade band students)
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas (4th grade beginning band)
Jingle Bells (1st grade)
Reindeer Rap (1st & 4th grade)
I’ll Be Home For Christmas (5th – 8th grade band students)
And, a few pictures from the daytime and evening performance (click to enlarge):
This past weekend, Saint James School 6th graders (and some 7th graders) entered the beautiful Polish Nativity Castles (“Szopka”) they have been working on for their religion studies into a contest sponsored by the Polish Cultural Club in Hartford. Students, with much guidance from middle school teacher Ms. Oleasz, put a lot of time and effort into making these beautiful palaces depicting the Holy Family and Baby Jesus.
We are excited to announce that Saint James students won first, second, and third place as well as six honorable mentions! Congratulations to all the students on their beautiful creations and many thanks to Ms. Oleasz for her time and dedication to this project.
Please be sure to visit the St. James Church hall following all masses this weekend to view these beautiful creations. The winners are as follows:
1st Place: 7th graders Angela Gerard & Hannah Trybulski
2nd Place: 6th graders Rachel Donnelly & Alexis Jablonecki
Tie for 3rd Place: 6th graders Peyton Carpenter & Conor Bernier; Michael Reilly & Thomas Melia
Honorable Mentions went to: Kevin Zaluda; Nick Guenther, Matt Bulger & AJ Bushnell; Ajay Ganesh & Sam Famiglietti; Catharine Marek & Emma St. Jean; Lillian Bluestein; Soraya Chanterelle & Alice Tyszka.
Below are additional pictures of SJS students with their castles (click to view whole image)
Congratulations to Mrs. Devanney’s class on winning the November/December Box Tops contest with over 650 Box Tops. We will be collecting again in early February. Thank you for your participation!