Christmas Book Reports

A great job by our 4th grade students on their Christmas-themed book reports!  Pictures of a few are below (click pictures to enlarge):

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Toy Drive Thank You & Award

A huge Thank You to all the families who donated toys to our Christmas toy drive this year!  There were so many wonderful donations – we know that many children will be smiling on Christmas morning because of your generosity.

We are pleased to announce that Saint James School was honored by one of the charities we support – Community Partners in Action – for the many years that the school has collected gifts for their annual Toy Drive and Christmas Party for the children of their clients.  Mrs. Kanute recently attended a special breakfast to receive the award on behalf of the school.


Toy Drive Thank You & Award

A huge Thank You to all the families who donated toys to our Christmas toy drive this year!  There were so many wonderful donations – we know that many children will be smiling on Christmas morning because of your generosity.

We are pleased to announce that Saint James School was honored by one of the charities we support – Community Partners in Action – for the many years that the school has collected gifts for their annual Toy Drive and Christmas Party for the children of their clients.  Mrs. Kanute recently attended a special breakfast to receive the award on behalf of the school.


Boys Varsity Basketball Game This Weekend

There will be a Boys Varsity Blue vs. Gold basketball game this Saturday (12/19) at the Saint James Gym at 2:30 pm.  All parents and students are invited to come out and support your classmates and school!  We have a pep band playing and more fun surprises for all the attendees!  Hope to see you there!

Tree of Blessings

Thank you to everyone who sent in requests for our Tree of Blessings ceremony today.  It was a beautiful ceremony with our kindergarten through 8th grade students all praying for each loved one as our 8th grade students read the names out loud. Below are some pictures of our students before, during, and after the event (click pictures to enlarge).

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No Robotics Club Tomorrow

Please note, there will be no robotics club held tomorrow.

Red & Green Dress Down Friday

There will be a Red & Green Dress Down day this Friday, December 18th, as a thank you for all the very generous toy donations that are being brought in.  Please remember dress down guidelines, per the school handbook, apply.  These include:

  • Clothing must not have indecent writing or pictures; inappropriate slogans or advertisements.
  • Revealing clothing is not allowed (including short shorts, halter tops, half shirts, tank tops, and see-through tops).
  • Waistbands must not sag below the waist. Pants legs must not drag on the floor.
  • High heels, platform shoes, flip-flops, Crocs, and shoes with no backs are not allowed.
  • Clothing must not be torn, ragged, or have holes.


Red & Green Dress Down Friday

There will be a Red & Green Dress Down day this Friday, December 18th, as a thank you for all the very generous toy donations that are being brought in.  Please remember dress down guidelines, per the school handbook, apply.  These include:

  • Clothing must not have indecent writing or pictures; inappropriate slogans or advertisements.
  • Revealing clothing is not allowed (including short shorts, halter tops, half shirts, tank tops, and see-through tops).
  • Waistbands must not sag below the waist. Pants legs must not drag on the floor.
  • High heels, platform shoes, flip-flops, Crocs, and shoes with no backs are not allowed.
  • Clothing must not be torn, ragged, or have holes.


Friday’s Middle School Dance – Dress Guidelines & Permission Slip

The next Middle School dance will be held this Friday, December 18th at St. Bridget School in Manchester.  This will be a Semi-Formal dance.  Please view the attached Permission Slip  (click link) for details and dress guidelines.  Please remember, students must bring the completed permission slip and the $5.00 entrance fee with them to the dance.

Saint Bridget dance coordinators ask that we bring a non-perishable food item to the dance to donate to the local food kitchen.

Friday's Middle School Dance – Dress Guidelines & Permission Slip

The next Middle School dance will be held this Friday, December 18th at St. Bridget School in Manchester.  This will be a Semi-Formal dance.  Please view the attached Permission Slip  (click link) for details and dress guidelines.  Please remember, students must bring the completed permission slip and the $5.00 entrance fee with them to the dance.

Saint Bridget dance coordinators ask that we bring a non-perishable food item to the dance to donate to the local food kitchen.