Childcare Tax Statements

Any family needing a statement for their Extended Day and/or Pre-Kindergarten costs for 2015 taxes should contact Denise Mayo, Tuition Manager, at

Please do not call with your request – it must be in writing.  Should you have any questions, then please call Denise at 860-643-5088, #7.

JV Games @ SJS This Weekend – Parent Volunteers Needed

This Saturday, Jan 23rd, Saint James will be hosting JV basketball games all day long at our school.  As other schools have done when they host, we are going to have a concession stand to sell drinks and snacks for the spectators as well as the players.  In addition to the JV basketball parent volunteers who have been signing up to collect admission and keep the scoreboard and books, we are looking for parent volunteers to work the concession stand.  They are looking for a 1-2 hr commitment between the hours of 9am-6pm (2 parents per time slot). This will be a cash only table. Please contact Beverly-Anne Cattanach at if you can help.  Please leave the best contact number too in case she needs to reach you. Thank you for your help.

Our Saint James JV teams will play as follows:

9am – Saint James Girls JV White vs. St. Mary
10am – Saint James Girls JV Blue vs. St Mary
1pm – Saint James Boys JV Blue vs. St. Chris
7pm Saint James Boys JV Gold vs. St. Bridget

Games played in between the times noted above are made up of other schools in the league, however we are still responsible for staffing at all games.


Collection for Community Partners in Action

During the month of January, Saint James School is collecting items for the local non-profit organization Community Partners in Action.  If you can help in any way, below is a list of items they are asking for:

Community Partners In Action Collection Items

Varsity Gold Boys Basketball Update

Friday night the Boy’s Varsity Gold team traveled to Wethersfield to earn their biggest win of the season against Corpus Christi 51 to 47.  Great team effort with contributions from entire squad. Team is building momentum with 4 straight victories as they head towards wrapping up regular season and looking forward to league playoffs.  Next league home game for Boys Varsity Gold is Sunday January 24th at St James Gym at 2 pm, please try to come out and support these student athletes.  (Thank you Mrs. Donnelly for sending in the picture below).

Boys Varsity Gold Celebrate Win

Reminder: SJS Volunteer Mass & Reception

Please take a moment to review the attached document regarding our January 25th volunteer appreciation Mass and reception.  Copies were also sent home in students’ folders.

Volunteer Mass & Reception

Reminder: SJS Volunteer Mass & Reception

Please take a moment to review the attached document regarding our January 25th volunteer appreciation Mass and reception.  Copies were also sent home in students’ folders.

Volunteer Mass & Reception

Orders Due Tomorrow: SJS Basketball Spiritwear

Please click HERE for information on our 2016 SJS Basketball Spiritwear.  Please note, all orders must be in by tomorrow (Friday, January 15th) at noon.  Unfortunately, we will be unable to accept late orders.  Students who play SJS basketball are allowed to wear the warm-up pants on gym days as well as the basketball sweatshirt or performance pullover.   Please contact Amy Guenther at if you have any questions.

First Graders Have Fun with iPads

Yesterday, the Saint James School first grade classes had fun learning how to use the school’s new iPads.  After last year’s successful introduction of iPad technology in the fifth through eighth grade classrooms, a second mobile iPad cart with 30 iPad units (designated for use by the Pre-Kindergarten through fourth grade classes) is in the process of being rolled out.  iPad technology will not replace any of our traditional teaching methods but will be used to enhance students’ research skills and supplement select lessons with fun, learning activities. The iPads run on the school’s
heavily secured, wireless server, which employs strict filters and controls (click pictures to enlarge or click Here to like this post on Facebook).

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Reminder: Ski Club

Just a reminder, Ski Club will be held tomorrow (January 15th) and January 19th.  Students should put their skis/snowboard in the gym entrance, off to the sides so it doesn’t interfere with afternoon dismissal.

Ski Club spiritwear orders are due this Friday, January 15th.

Notice From the School Nurse

Please take a moment to read the following notice from Mrs. Vignati:

Notice From the School Nurse