Munson’s Fundraiser

As a reminder, the Saint James School HSA is sponsoring a Munson’s fundraiser through Wednesday, February 10th.  All students should have received home information about the fundraiser with their SJS student.  If you did not receive information home or have questions, please contact parent volunteer Kate Davis at 860.463.7092 or  Order forms and payment are due to the school office by Wednesday, February 10th.  An e-mail will be sent in March notifying parents of the pickup date(s).

As always, we thank you for supporting Saint James School!

Munson's Fundraiser

As a reminder, the Saint James School HSA is sponsoring a Munson’s fundraiser through Wednesday, February 10th.  All students should have received home information about the fundraiser with their SJS student.  If you did not receive information home or have questions, please contact parent volunteer Kate Davis at 860.463.7092 or  Order forms and payment are due to the school office by Wednesday, February 10th.  An e-mail will be sent in March notifying parents of the pickup date(s).

As always, we thank you for supporting Saint James School!

Blue & Gold Dress Down This Friday

As a reminder, all students may dress down in Blue & Gold this Friday as we celebrate Saint James School with our annual SJS Pep Rally.  The dress down is also to thank the school community for their contributions to our special cause during Catholic Schools Month – which this year has been toiletries for Community Partners in Action.  Please remember, standard dress down guidelines per the school handbook apply.

Blue & Gold Dress Down This Friday

As a reminder, all students may dress down in Blue & Gold this Friday as we celebrate Saint James School with our annual SJS Pep Rally.  The dress down is also to thank the school community for their contributions to our special cause during Catholic Schools Month – which this year has been toiletries for Community Partners in Action.  Please remember, standard dress down guidelines per the school handbook apply.

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest

The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest will take place at Saint James School Gym this Saturday, January 30th from 2:00pm-4:30pm.  The competition is for boys and girls ages 9-14, all children must be accompanied by an adult.  You can pre-register for this event at (under the events and news tab) or by calling 860.288.7636.  Registration begins at 1:30pm for those not pre-registered.

SJS Students Holding the Flag at the Wolfpack Game

Please click HERE for the video of the national anthem from this weekend’s Wolfpack game.  Some of our boys who came out for the mother/son event were in the video holding the flag.  Great job everyone!



Drama Club Update

Thank you to everyone that signed up to participate in the 2016 Drama Club!  We have hit our maximum number of sign-ups for acting parts as of yesterday’s deadline so we will not be accepting any late sign-ups for actors.  There is still space available in the stage crew if your student is interested.

Kindergartners Share Gifts to Jesus

As part of their recent lessons, the Saint James Kindergarten students wrote about what they would give to Jesus for His birthday. Check out this cute video of our Kindergartners reading what they wrote (please note, only students who had permission to be photographed/on camera were included).

Our Gifts to Jesus Video

Mother/Son Event A Success

Thank you to all the Saint James School moms and sons who came out for the Mother/Son Wolf Pack Game yesterday.  We had well over 100 attendees and the event was a lot of fun!  Special thanks to parent volunteer Mrs. Moriarty for coordinating this event and for sending in the following pictures of our group:

MotherSon1 MotherSon2

Mother/Son Event

Just a reminder that the Saint James School Mother/Son event is this Sunday.  Attendees should meet at the First Niagara Bank area of the main lobby of the XL center to get their tickets and check in by 2:30pm.  Our group will be escorted into the arena through a side door.  If any families are running late, their tickets will be left at the Will Call window under their name and they can enter through the regular entrance. If you have any questions please contact SJS parent volunteer coordinator Tara Moriarty at 860-729-3510 or