Jackets, Backpacks, Shoes, Beach Towels, Electronics, Spice Jars, Storage Bins, Sports Equipment, Books, and Bags….There’s a label for that, and more!
Please take a few moments to check out this great new fundraiser with “Mabel’s Labels.”
Find everything you need to label your child’s belongings for camp and school, to organize your pantry, and to keep track of personal belongings. There are also some great products for allergy awareness and household safety.
It’s so easy–order online with free shipping directly to your home and 20% of your purchase will be donated to SJS. Visit www.campaigns.mabelslabels.com. Click on “Select Your School/Organization.” Then hit ‘S’ and scroll through until you see St. James School (Manchester).
This fundraiser will run through August so you can have everything you need to be ready for summer camps and back-to-school.
Thanks for helping to support our school!