SJS Sports Health Form

If your child will be running Cross Country for SJS this year (available to grades 5th – 8th), please remember to have the school’s sports health form filled out by your doctor before school starts.  Cross Country usually begins soon after school is back in session and your child will not be able to participate until the school has this document – signed by the child’s doctor – on file.  As a reminder, this form only needs to be completed one time a year and can be used for all SJS sports.

New E-Mail For Tuition Questions

Please be advised our Tuition Manager – Denise Mayo – has closed down her MSN e-mail address.  Please update your e-mail address books to ensure you are using the e-mail address going forward.  She is also available via phone at 860.643.5088 (select Option 7 on the main menu to be directly connected).  Our school website has been updated to reflect this change.

Reminder: SJS Summer Hours & Paperwork

The school office will be open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9:00am – 1:00pm.

Please note, paperwork for the upcoming school year (supply lists, summer reading, dress code, etc.) can be found on the Documents & Forms page of our website.  For parents of middle-school girls (if you did not already notice), by popular request, Mary-Jane-style shoes have been added to the dress code for the upcoming school year.

Reminder: SJS Summer Hours & Paperwork

The school office will be open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9:00am – 1:00pm.

Please note, paperwork for the upcoming school year (supply lists, summer reading, dress code, etc.) can be found on the Documents & Forms page of our website.  For parents of middle-school girls (if you did not already notice), by popular request, Mary-Jane-style shoes have been added to the dress code for the upcoming school year.

Notes For Last Day (Friday)

As our school year comes to a close, a few important reminders:

  • There will be no gym on Friday and students will be attending Mass – all students should wear their regular uniform to school on Friday.
  • Dismissal is at 12:05pm on Friday.  Students going to aftercare MUST have a lunch from home (no hot lunch/milk will be available).
  • Summer hours for the main office are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9:00am – 1:00pm.
  • All SJS JV (3rd, 4th, 5th, grade) Soccer Uniforms are due back to the school.  Please return washed uniform in a bag labeled with the student’s name.

Field Day 2016

Thank you to all our parent and staff volunteers for helping make Field Day 2016 so much fun for our students!  Special thanks to Mrs. Reilly for coordinating the day, and Mrs. Toomey and Mrs. Piotrowski for the great pictures!

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5th Grade Revolutionary War Fun

A fun, end-of-year tradition for Saint James School 5th Grade Students – reenacting the revolutionary war with water balloons and squirt guns.  Special thanks to the 5th grade teachers for arranging this fun event and to Mrs. Toomey for sending in the great pictures!

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Saturday’s Soccer Schedule

June 11 Varsity Tournament Schedule

Saint James Invitational @ Veteran’s Memorial Field

10:30AM  VETS-2A  St. James-Blue VS Corpus Christi-Blue
10:30AM  VETS-2B  St. James-Royal VS St. John Paul II
11:15AM  VETS-2A St. John Paul II VS St. James-Blue
11:15AM   VETS-2B St. James-Royal VS Corpus Christi-Blue
12:00PM   VETS-2A Corpus Christi-Blue VS St. John Paul II
12:00PM   VETS-2B  St. James-Royal VS St. James-Blue

Note:   These games are at Veterans Field in Manchester

CSS Varsity Wrap-Up:  Manchester Community College

11:00AM  St. James-Yellow VS St. Christopher; St. Edward VS Cornerstone CA; St. Bridget VS St. Paul
11:45AM  St. Edward VS St. Paul; St. Christopher VS. St. Bridget; Cornerstone CA VS St. James-Yellow
12:30PM  St. Christopher VS St. Paul; St. Bridget VS Cornerstone CA; St. Edward VS St. James-Yellow

01:15PM  Championship Game

Saturday's Soccer Schedule

June 11 Varsity Tournament Schedule

Saint James Invitational @ Veteran’s Memorial Field

10:30AM  VETS-2A  St. James-Blue VS Corpus Christi-Blue
10:30AM  VETS-2B  St. James-Royal VS St. John Paul II
11:15AM  VETS-2A St. John Paul II VS St. James-Blue
11:15AM   VETS-2B St. James-Royal VS Corpus Christi-Blue
12:00PM   VETS-2A Corpus Christi-Blue VS St. John Paul II
12:00PM   VETS-2B  St. James-Royal VS St. James-Blue

Note:   These games are at Veterans Field in Manchester

CSS Varsity Wrap-Up:  Manchester Community College

11:00AM  St. James-Yellow VS St. Christopher; St. Edward VS Cornerstone CA; St. Bridget VS St. Paul
11:45AM  St. Edward VS St. Paul; St. Christopher VS. St. Bridget; Cornerstone CA VS St. James-Yellow
12:30PM  St. Christopher VS St. Paul; St. Bridget VS Cornerstone CA; St. Edward VS St. James-Yellow

01:15PM  Championship Game

Congratulations Kindergarten Graduates!

Congratulations to all our Kindergarten Graduates!  Here are a few pictures from yesterday’s ceremony.

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