2016 Scholastic Book Fair

Saint James School will be hosting the Annual Scholastic Book Fair from Monday, September 12 through Thursday, September 15.  The book fair will be open for students to shop during the school day and the evenings of 9/13 and 9/14 during “Meet the Teachers” Nights.  Proceeds from the book fair (50% of your purchase!!) go towards funding new books and equipment for the classrooms and the school library.

Volunteers are needed to help set-up/clean-up the book fair and to work at the fair: helping students make selections and serving as cashiers (must have completed VIRTUS and Background Check).  If you are able to help, please click Here to access the visit the Scholastic Book Fair Volunteer Link.  You will need to create an account if you don’t already have one and then proceed to register for a date and time period to help.  Any questions can be directed to our Book Fair Chairs Cindy Herr (cynthherr5@gmail.com) or Heather Meyer (grizmeyer@cox.net).

Any time you can give would be appreciated to help us make this year’s book fair another huge success.  Thank you!



SJS Family Fun Event – Candy Bar BINGO

On Friday, September 23, from 6:30-8:00pm please join us for Family Fun Night: Candy Bar BINGO sponsored by the SJS HSA.  Click here for the informational Flyer.  Please RSVP to HSA@saintjamesschool.net by Friday, September 16th if you plan to attend, providing in your RSVP e-mail the number of adults and children.  For children with food allergies, we will be providing “allergy-friendly” candy prizes and refreshments (please note allergy information in your RSVP e-mail).  We hope you can join us!


Instrumental Music New Student Info Session Tonight

As a reminder, there will be a meeting tonight, September 6th, at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria for all beginning and transfer band students and their parents.

SJS Fall Fundraiser

All students (PreK-Grade 8) should have received a Fall Fundraiser packet home with their child(ren) on Friday from Cherrydale/Jeanine Fundraising.  This catalog-based fundraiser offers a wide-range of items including wrapping paper, kitchen gadgets, home decor, candles, cookies, cakes, and candy — there is something for everyone!

Sales can be made in person using the order form from the packet or online at cherrydale.com.  At the end of the fundraiser, students will earn prizes based on the total number of items sold.  In addition, throughout the sale, there are 3 chances to earn extra incentives.  Turn-in dates for “Crazy Creature” incentives are:

Friday, September 9

Friday, September 16

Friday, September 23

Please return all order forms (top two copies ONLY) and payment no later than Friday, September 23.  Checks should be payable to “St. James School” and we ask that you write your child’s name on the memo line of the check.

This fundraiser is one of our most successful of the year and we appreciate your participation!  If you have any questions, please contact the school office or email our school’s fundraising Chair, Kate Davis, at 70greenbean@sbcglobal.net.

No School Monday

There will be no school on Monday for the Labor Day Holiday.  We hope everyone has a safe, fun-filled long weekend!  We will see you back at school on Tuesday morning.

SJS Cross Country

Attention Cross Country Runners,

The first Cross Country practice of the season will be held on Tuesday, September 6th. It will be open to all SJS students in 5th – 8th grade.

In order to participate all three items below must be turned in by the end of the day Tuesday:

  1. The completed 2016-2017 Athletic Health Form, signed by the child’s doctor;
  2. The $35.00 cross country fee required for each participant (make checks out to “Saint James School”); and
  3. The completed 2016 XC Participant Information Form

Completed forms and/or payment can be given to the teacher by the student or dropped off at the main office by the parent/guardian.  (Please only pay the Cross Country fee at this time, even if your child will be doing other sports).

Practices are on most Tuesdays and Thursdays with a few exceptions due to ½ days or scheduled meets.  Check the SJS Cross Country Webpage for a schedule which will be updated as changes occur (please note, you can “subscribe” to the XC schedule and your personal calendar will automatically update).  At the end of the school day, XC students will be dismissed with their class to the gym with the “Walkers,” where they will leave their backpacks, change, and begin practice.  Practices are from 2:15-3:30pm.

Meets that occur during the week are open to all XC runners.  Invitational meets, scheduled on Saturdays, are for middle school students only (6th-8th).  As in the past, students are expected to obtain their own transportation to the meets.  Carpooling between families is highly recommended!  Coach O’Neill will meet everyone at the determined XC meet site.

If anyone is interested in assisting during the season, Mrs. O’Neill would welcome their help.  We anticipate a good turnout and it becomes challenging to keep all the kids together once they begin running. Please contact Coach O’Neill if you can help (joneill@saintjamesschool.net).

Cross country is a fun and rewarding experience for the kids.  We look forward to the upcoming season!

1st Day Pictures

Below are a few of the  pictures taken this morning for the 1st day of school (click pictures to enlarge).

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Instrumental Music Notice

On Thursday,  September 1st  Mr. Corcoran, along with some of his summer students,  will present an instrumental  demonstration for grades 4 and 5 students. On Friday, September 2nd, lessons and band will start for grades 5-8. On Tuesday, September 6th, at 6:30pm Mr. Corcoran will hold a parent meeting in the cafeteria for all new instrumental students.

Important: Extended Day Registration Reminder

As a reminder, all returning families who will be using the Extended Day program this coming school year must re-register with the program by August 1st to help us determine staffing levels.  If you misplaced your paperwork or will NOT be using the Extended Day program this coming year (and you DID use it last year), please contact Jean Burdick at jburdick@saintjamesschool.net to let her know.

All families new to Saint James School this year who will be using the Before and/or After School Care program are also asked to register their child(ren) by August 1st.  Thank you.

Reminder: Online Ordering of School Supplies

This summer you again have the option to order your child’s school supplies online and have them delivered directly to your home!  In addition, Saint James School receives a percentage of every sale – convenience for you and a great way to support SJS!  Plus, if you already have supplies left over from prior years, you can choose not to include those in your purchase. Visit the School Toolbox Website (click to access) and type in St. James School Manchester, CT in the search box.

Please remember to order supplies well in advance to ensure they arrive before the first day of school.

If you plan to purchase the supplies at a local retailer, the 2016-2017 supply lists are available under the Forms & Documents section of our website: Click HERE and scroll down to General School Documents.