Saint James School is excited to once again participate in the town-wide Frank Rizza Manchester Elementary School Cross Country Challenge. This event celebrates the life of long-time Manchester resident, Frank Rizza, an alum of East Catholic High School who served as the gym teacher at Verplank Elementary School in Manchester for 34 years before passing away in 2002 at the age of 55.
This year’s event will be held on Saturday, October 15th at Manchester High School and is open to boys & girls in Kindergarten through grade 5.
More details can be found in the attached Cross Country Challenge Registration Form. If your child is interested in running, please fill out the bottom part of the form and return it to the school office as soon as possible. Saint James School has traditionally received several awards at this event. We hope all students who like to run will come out in support of our school!
We are also in need of several parent volunteers from Saint James School to help out with our registration table, scoring table, racer supervision, and awarding of prizes. If you are able to help us out in one of these capacities the day of the event (8:00am – 12:30pm), please contact Andrea Piotrowski (the parent volunteer coordinating this event for our school) at
All runners finishing the course will receive a participation ribbon. Individual medals will be awarded to the top 15 finishers in each race. Trophies will also be awarded to the top placing schools in each race (we must have at least 5 winners in the race to qualify for a trophy). This race is a really nice event and a lot of fun for the kids! We hope you will join us!!
Please submit a registration form by Friday, September 23 at the latest for your child to receive a free Frank Rizza XC Challenge/Saint James School race t-shirt (shirts will be handed out the day of the race). Students registering after the 23rd deadline will not receive a shirt but may still participate in the event.