Instrumental Music Notice
Mr. Corcoran will not be at the school on Friday so students that has lessons and band on Fridays, will have them on Wednesday (November 16th) this week.
Mr. Corcoran will not be at the school on Friday so students that has lessons and band on Fridays, will have them on Wednesday (November 16th) this week.
The KidStuff Fundraiser has ended. If you have not done so already, please send all payments or any unsold books to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. Checks should be made payable to St. James School HSA. Please contact Kate Davis ( with any questions. Thank you for your participation and for supporting our school!
Our local Knights of Columbus (Saint James/Assumption Parishes) is collecting gently used winter coats, hats, sweaters, sweatshirts, and mittens/gloves for Manchester children in need. If you have any of the needed items in gently used condition, please consider bringing them to the Saint James Church hall (downstairs) and leaving them in the green collection bins. The bins will be up through November 20th, after which time the items will be donated.
Please click HERE to review Saint James Schools’ Inclement Weather Policy. Please make sure that you are receiving text/e-mail alerts from one of the local stations. Or, watch the TV for “Manchester Public Schools.” Saint James School follows what the public schools do for delays/closings so please be sure to select that option when you sign up for text/e-mail alerts. Saint James School does not typically send e-mail notifications of closures/delayed openings.
You can click HERE to sign up for alerts from NBC30 or HERE to sign up for alerts from WFSB Channel 3 (remember to choose “Manchester Public Schools”).
Thank you to all the families that came out for our special Saint James School Mass yesterday! As always, the kids did fantastic in their respective roles and it was wonderful to see so many school families! Also, a very special congratulations to our music teacher, Mrs. Archangeli, and the SJS choir on their first performance. They did a wonderful job!
Please mark your calendar for the next SJS mass, which will be held at 9:00am on December 11th. (click pictures to enlarge)
As a reminder, there is no school tomorrow in observance of the Veterans’ Day Holiday. Enjoy the long weekend with your family and friends!
Also, please remember that next Thursday and Friday (November 17th & 18th) are both 12:05pm dismissal days for parent/teacher conferences. Aftercare will be in session but students going to aftercare will need to bring a lunch from home as there is no hot lunch served on early dismissal days.
November 23rd is also a 12:05pm dismissal day (aftercare is in session) with no school on November 24th and 25th in observance of Thanksgiving.
Please join us this Sunday, November 13th at 9:00am for a special school mass, where Saint James students will be serving in many capacities. A reception in the lower church will follow the mass with coffee, juice, and donuts provided.
All Saint James School students and their parents are encouraged to come show support for our school. In addition, Saint James School students are encouraged to wear their school uniforms (all students serving in any capacity at these masses must wear their SJS winter uniform). This is a great way for the Saint James Church parishioners (many of whom very generously support our school through a monthly school collection and donations to our Annual Fund) to see the exceptional students they are investing in.
All Saint James School families are welcome regardless of faith or home parish. We hope to see you there!
A Presidential election year offers many great teachable moments for students at all grade levels. All grades have been learning about the Presidential election and, on Tuesday, all participated in voting exercises. Here are a few pictures from Tuesday (click to enlarge), which are also posted on our Facebook page.
If you have any of the following gently used items in your home that are no longer being used, please consider donating them to the SJS Extended Day program:
Barbie dolls
Barbie clothes
toy cars
building sets
board games
coloring paper
washable markers
Thank you.