Wacky Tacky Day

Here are some pictures of the kids and teachers dressed down in their Wacky/Tacky best today (click images to enlarge).

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Blue & Gold/SJS Spiritwear Dress Down Tomorrow

Tomorrow is our annual Blue & Gold/Spiritwear dress down day and SJS Pep Rally.  Students may come to school dressed down in blue & gold (the school colors) or wear any of their Saint James School spiritwear.  Standard dress down guidelines apply.

Blue & Gold/SJS Spiritwear Dress Down Tomorrow

Tomorrow is our annual Blue & Gold/Spiritwear dress down day and SJS Pep Rally.  Students may come to school dressed down in blue & gold (the school colors) or wear any of their Saint James School spiritwear.  Standard dress down guidelines apply.

Art/Book Club

Thank you for a great response to the book/art club series starting this February 8th.  We are now looking to fill spaces for the upcoming February 15th date.  Please turn in permission slip and $5 cash together in an envelope marked book/art club.  The due date for this is Monday February 6th by the end of the school day.

Thank you,

Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Sabatella

Art/Book Club Permission Slip

Art/Book Club Overview

Kindergarten Video

Our Saint James School kindergarten students are making great progress with their reading and writing!!  In honor of Catholic School’s Week, we asked the Kindergartners to write down and share what they liked best about SJS.  Here is what they said (click for video).

Reminder: 1st Communion/1st Penance Meeting Tomorrow Night

Please find attached a letter from Mrs. Macy Jordan, the religious education coordinator for Saint James Church.  If your child will receive the sacraments of First Penance/First Communion this year (2nd grade and up), this letter contains important information about a required meeting for parents along with other important dates.

If your child has not been baptized yet and you would like them to be so they may receive the Catholic sacraments this year or in the future, please contact Macy (her contact information is in the letter).

Parent Letter – 1st Penance & 1st Communion

2017 SJS Gala Invitation & Details

The SJS Gala committee has been hard at work getting everything ready for our 2017 Saint James School Gala & Auction fundraiser!  Hard copies of the following documents were sent home with students.  Here is all the information in case you need another copy:

2017 SJS Gala Invitation/RSPV

Gala Baskets

Auction Item Donations/Advertising

Jumbotron Message Information

2017 SJS Gala Invitation & Details

The SJS Gala committee has been hard at work getting everything ready for our 2017 Saint James School Gala & Auction fundraiser!  Hard copies of the following documents were sent home with students.  Here is all the information in case you need another copy:

2017 SJS Gala Invitation/RSPV

Gala Baskets

Auction Item Donations/Advertising

Jumbotron Message Information


The newly created SJS concession stand is looking for your help! We have three upcoming events at which we would like to sell concessions and are looking for parent volunteers to help. If you’ve been wanting to contribute to the SJS community and haven’t had a chance, here it is! The concession stand and its fundraising capabilities will only be successful with your help. If you are willing to oversee the concession stand at any of the following events, please contact Andrea Piotrowski at: ampiotrowski@yahoo.com or 860-833-5646. Your help and support are greatly appreciated.
February 3, 2017, 6pm Boy’s Varsity Blue Basketball
February 9, 2017, 6:30pm, “Senior” Night, Boy’s Varsity Basketball
May 10, 2017, time TBD, Spring Concert

Early Dismissal Reminder

As a reminder, in the event of an early dismissal, all SJS aftercare students must be picked up by 1:00pm.  There is a chance of snow beginning late tomorrow morning to early afternoon, so please make sure you have downloaded one of the local weather apps, subscribed to Text Notifications for Manchester Public Schools (we follow the Manchester Public School Schedule), and have a contingency plan for pickup in the event of an early dismissal.

Below is a copy of the complete weather policy for your convenience.

NBC Weather Text Alert Sign-Up

Inclement Weather Policy