SJS Varsity Girls Win!

Congratulations to the Saint James Girls Varsity Basketball team on winning the Archdiocesan Interscholastic Athletic League State Championship game yesterday afternoon, beating St. Mary of Simsbury 27 to 19!  Congratulations Sabers!


Tomorrow’s Forecast

The forecast is calling for significant snow tomorrow.  Please remember to sign up for text or e-mail alerts from one of the local stations if you have not already done so (please be sure to sign up for “Manchester Public Schools” as we follow their schedule for delays and cancellations).

Inclement Weather Policy

Tomorrow's Forecast

The forecast is calling for significant snow tomorrow.  Please remember to sign up for text or e-mail alerts from one of the local stations if you have not already done so (please be sure to sign up for “Manchester Public Schools” as we follow their schedule for delays and cancellations).

Inclement Weather Policy

February Aftercare Statements

The February statements for the aftercare program are available.  Please be sure to see Ms. Jean to pick yours up if you have used the extended day program during the month of February (and did not pick it up last Thursday).

All State Rehearsal and FMI Pictures

Mr. Corcoran has asked us to communicate that All State Band Rehearsal WILL BE HELD this evening and FMI pictures WILL STILL OCCUR tomorrow (Saturday).

School Mass This Sunday @ 9am

Please join us at Saint James Church this Sunday, March 12th at 9:00am for our monthly Saint James School Mass.  Saint James students will be serving in many capacities including altar servers, readers, and gift bearers, in addition to our school Choir performing.  A reception in the lower church will follow the mass with coffee, juice, and donuts provided.

All Saint James School families are welcome regardless of faith or home parish.  We hope to see you there!

Save the Date: Easter Party!

The HSA is hosting an Easter party for SJS students and their families on Saturday, April 1 from 10:00am-noon.  Be sure to mark your calendars so you can hop on over for some sweet treats, games, crafts and an Easter-themed scavenger hunt!  Flyers will be sent home soon with additional details.

Early Dismissal & Pick-up Today

As a reminder, today – Thursday, March 9th – is a 12:05pm dismissal day for a teacher workshop.  Aftercare will be in session.  Students attending aftercare will need a lunch from home as no hot lunch is served on early dismissal days.

*Pickup at 12:05pm today will be in the lot between the school and the Pre-Kindergarten facility as they gym will be set up for part of the in-service program.*

As a reminder, other early dismissal days this month are March 22nd and March 23rd for conferences.  In addition, there is no school on March 29th.

Early Dismissal & Pick-up Today

As a reminder, today – Thursday, March 9th – is a 12:05pm dismissal day for a teacher workshop.  Aftercare will be in session.  Students attending aftercare will need a lunch from home as no hot lunch is served on early dismissal days.

*Pickup at 12:05pm today will be in the lot between the school and the Pre-Kindergarten facility as they gym will be set up for part of the in-service program.*

As a reminder, other early dismissal days this month are March 22nd and March 23rd for conferences.  In addition, there is no school on March 29th.

HSA Meeting Tonight

The HSA will hold it’s monthly meeting this evening at 7pm in the school library.  All parents/guardians/grandparents of SJS students are welcome to attend.  When you arrive at the school for the meeting, please ring the buzzer to the left of the breezeway door and meet us in the school library.

This month we will be recapping our recent events and fundraisers and planning for the upcoming Easter event and Movie Night.  Please join us if you can!  If you are unable to attend, keep an eye out for the monthly HSA newsletter to stay up-to-date, and always feel free to email us with questions and suggestions at