June HSA Newsletter

Please take a look at the June HSA Newsletter (Click to open) to read about the events and fundraisers from the past month and to see what is happening during the last couple weeks of school!

No Hot Lunch Tomorrow

There will be NO hot lunch or milk served tomorrow (Wednesday) as the cafeteria will be in use for the staff appreciation luncheon. All students will need a lunch from home.

No School Monday

As a reminder, there is no school this coming Monday for the Memorial Day Holiday.

8th Grade Show

On Wednesday, the SJS Pre-Kindergarten through 7th grade classes watched the 8th grade students perform in the annual 8th Grade Show.  A video of the daytime performance can be found HERE.

In addition, in keeping with tradition at Saint James School, the graduating class is leaving behind a gift to the school – a Saber “spirit” costume – which can be used in the future at assemblies and sporting events.  The class has affectionately named the Saber, “Sammy.”

Dennis Uniform Sale

Dennis Uniform Company is having a Memorial day Sale.  Today through May 29th save 15% off and free shipping on orders over $25.

Worm Dissection

Today Saint James School 6th graders, with parents’ permission, dissected worms during their Earth Science class.  Throughout the dissection, Mrs. Plante used images on the SMARTboard to help the students identify various parts of their worm including it’s brain, intestine, and gizzard – to name a few.  Last week, the 7th grade class dissected frogs using a similar process.  Special thanks to all the parent volunteers who came in to assist with both dissection programs (click pictures to enlarge).


Grade 8 Show

The Grade 8 Talent Show will be held tonight at 6:30pm for families and friends.  All are welcome to attend.

Staff Appreciation Contributions

Thank you very much to all the families that contributed to the upcoming Staff Appreciation Week festivities! Your generosity is greatly appreciated and will help make next week extra special for our teachers, administrators, and staff.  If you are still planning on donating money or a raffle item, please send it to the Main Office: Attn: Amy Santangelo by this Friday.  Any questions can be directed to event chair, Amy Santangelo at amybsantangelo@gmail.com.

Dress Down Day – Wednesday 5/24

There will be a Dress Down Day tomorrow – Wednesday (5/24) – for all students and staff, compliments of Kindergarten student, Scarlett Sherman.  Scarlett won a special lunch date with Mrs. Kanute at the 2017 Gala Auction and, as part of her special day, she requested that all students receive a free dress down day.

Aftercare Today

Parents using aftercare, please ensure you are at the school no later than 5:30pm today to pick up your child/ren.  Our aftercare staff will all be attending an off-site function as soon as all students are picked up today.