Basketball game schedules for the season will be set within the next few weeks for all the schools in our league. Therefore, we are asking all Saint James School parents to register their child(ren) for the upcoming season NOW so our Athletic Director can form the teams and get all teams on the schedule. Students in grades 4 – 8 expressing interest in basketball (through a show of hands) may make the team count/structure different last year, and consequently we may need to add or combine some teams.
In order to participate on an SJS basketball team this year all three items below must be turned in by the end of the day on Wednesday, September 27th. Please note, the school reserves the right to accept/not accept player registrations after September 27th based on existing team size, etc.
- The completed 2017-2018 Athletic Health Form, signed by the child’s doctor (if you have not already turned it in);
- The appropriate fee required for each student participating (see Registration Form Below for updated fee info); and
- The completed 2017-2018 Basketball Registration Form (please note, if opened in Adobe, you can type into this form before printing it – complete one form for each child playing please).
Completed forms and/or payment can be given to the homeroom teacher by the student or dropped off at the main office by the parent/guardian. (Please only pay the Basketball fee at this time, even if your child will be doing other sports or activities).