Trunk or Treat Responses Due Today

Halloween Trunk or Treat RSVPs are due today.  Please see the information flyer (click HERE) for more information. The sign up form can be found HERE or at the HSA website (  Contact Cathy Deschaine at with any questions.

Basketball Notes

Today, Monday (10/16):  BOYS Open Gym for registered Grade 6 Players 5:00pm – 6:16pm

Today, Monday (10/16):  BOYS Open Gym for registered Grade 7 & 8 Players 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Wednesday (10/18): GIRLS Open Gym for registered Grade 6 – 8 Players 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Wednesday (10/18): Basketball Program Meetings:
For Parents/Guardians of Boys — 6:00pm – 6:45pm;
For Parents/Guardians of Girls —  7:00pm – 7:45pm

Printable Schedule  (the small square button at the top of the page – to the left of “Collapse All” – is a print button)

McGee Invitational This Saturday

This Saturday, our Middle School XC Runners will be participating in the McGee Invitational at Sage Park in Berlin.   Runners should arrive by 8:15am.

Race Times:  Grade 6 Girls 9:15am, Grade 6 Boys 9:45am (race length is 1.7 miles); Grade 7 Girls 10:15am, Grade 7 Boys 11:15am, Grade 8 Girls 11:15am, Grade 8 Boys 11:45am (race length is 2.2 miles).

Awards Presentation is at 12:30pm.  Good luck Sabers!

Friday's Open Gym (Girls 4-6) Cancelled

Friday’s Open Gym for Girls basketball players in grades 4-6 has been cancelled due to a conflict in the coach’s schedule.

Friday’s Open Gym (Girls 4-6) Cancelled

Friday’s Open Gym for Girls basketball players in grades 4-6 has been cancelled due to a conflict in the coach’s schedule.

Middle School Dance

The first middle school dance of the school year will be held at Saint James School this Friday, October 13th.  Attire for this dance is casual/standard attire.  Saint James School students attending the school dance are asked to bring the following items:

6th graders & Ms. O’s homeroom: individually wrapped snacks (no peanut products please)

8th graders & Mrs. Wolpert’s homeroom: 1 gallon jugs of water

Please bring items to the cafeteria on Friday morning or to the gym the night of the school dance.

The dance will run from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm (please note new ending time).  Attending students must bring their signed Middle School Dance permission slip and $5.00 entrance fee.  If you are available to help chaperone, please contact Joanna Kamis at

Also, please note that the March 16th dance at Saint Bridget School has been chanced to March 9th.  The school website calendar has been updated accordingly.

Please Return Grandparent's & Special Persons' Day Forms

Just a reminder to get in your Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day forms as soon as possible so we can get a head count for the event. If you need a new copy of the form, it can be downloaded HERE.

Please Return Grandparent’s & Special Persons’ Day Forms

Just a reminder to get in your Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day forms as soon as possible so we can get a head count for the event. If you need a new copy of the form, it can be downloaded HERE.

Parent Info Session: Online Safety

The Office of Safe Environment, the Office of Catholic Social Justice Ministry, and the Office of Education, Evangelization, and Catechesis are teaming up to present an internet safety seminar titled “Keeping Our Youth Safe Online: What Every Adult Should Know”. Guest speaker Scott Driscoll will discuss social networking, video chats, texting, sexting, and creating a digital footprint.

The seminar will take place Tuesday, November 7th, 2017 from 7 PM until 9 PM at St. Gianna Parish- St. Mark the Evangelist Church, 467 Quaker Ln. S, West Hartford, CT.

All parents, teachers, and community members with children in their care are invited to attend. There is no cost to attend but space is limited so please register prior to the seminar. Contact information for registration is in this flyer: Online Safety Event Flyer

Blessing of the (Stuffed) Animals

As it is customary around the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi (the Patron Saint of Animals) for churches to hold a special ceremony for the Blessing of the Pets, Saint James School Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students were able to bring their own (stuffed) “pets” to school yesterday for a special blessing by Father Carlson (and a short lesson on Saint Francis).  Below are some pictures of the students having their “pets” blessed by Father Carlson (please click to enlarge).