Amazon Smile

Please help us spread the word!  Shoppers on retail website can support Saint James School (for free) each time they make a purchase.

To participate in Amazon Smile, Amazon’s charitable giving program, you must enter Amazon by going to  The website experience is exactly the same, but you will be prompted to select a charity to support.  Search for “St. James Church Corp” (donations go to the school’s account…this is just the name in Amazon’s system for tax number purposes) or by clicking the “Get Started” button below.

Each time you make a purchase using Amazon through the website, Saint James School will receive 0.5% of the purchase price in our account.

Please share this information with your family and friends and remember to use the Smile.Amazon address each time you purchase from Amazon going forward.  If you have any questions, please e-mail our Director of Advancement, Amy Guenther, at


St. James School

3rd Grade Fun

Saint James School 3rd graders have been enjoying weekly hands-on science experiments tying into what they are learning.  This past Friday, the made “mechanical” fingers that showed how the bones, joints, tendons, and muscles all work together.

Last Call: Food Drive for St. Vincent De Paul

As a reminder: The Saint James School Student Council is collecting food for the St. Vincent De Paul Society.  Families are asked to consider donating the following items to help struggling families in our area enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving:

Pre-Kindergarten: Stuffing
Kindergarten: Instant Potatoes
1st Grade: Cornbread and other bread mixes
2nd Grade: Juice and water
3rd Grade: Pasta
4th Grade: Desserts (puddings, cookies, etc.)
5th Grade: Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate
6th Grade: Canned Vegetables
7th Grade: Cranberry sauce or pasta sauce
8th Grade: Gravy, pickles, or olives

Thank you to those who have already donated!  Collection boxes in the homerooms are filling up nicely! Monday is the last day to donate.

Band Rehearsal Monday

Due to the shortened school week next week, all three bands will rehearse this coming Monday, November 20th, as follows:
8:15am Beginning Band
8:45am Intermediate Band
9:15am Advanced Band
Please remind your child/ren to bring their instrument to school Monday.

Basketball Schedule

Please note, our SJS Basketball coaches have all been updating their team schedules on the online calendar.  Tonight all three Varsity Boys teams will practice.  The Basketball calendar is located on the Basketball page (under extra curricular) :

Native American Art

Third grade students have been learning about various tribes of Native Americans in their social studies classes this month.  Attached are some pictures of Mrs. Phelan’s 3rd grade students working on making 3D artwork that corresponds with their lessons on the Plains Indians during Art.  Mrs. Sabatella provided the teepee projects along with symbols and Plains Indian stickers.  Tomorrow, the 3rd grade students will go over to the Pre-K during their “pre-k buddy time” and work with their pre-k friends on another Native American inspired craft.


Book & Art Club Fun!

Another afternoon of smiles and fun at the November Book & Art Club.  The group listened to Mrs. Carpenter read a book about the first Thanksgiving, followed by making their own Mayflower Ship & Cornucopia with Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Sabatella (click images to enlarge).




Book & Art Club Fun!

Another afternoon of smiles and fun at the November Book & Art Club.  The group listened to Mrs. Carpenter read a book about the first Thanksgiving, followed by making their own Mayflower Ship & Cornucopia with Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Sabatella (click images to enlarge).




Christmas Card Picture SJS Fundraiser

We are now opening this special fundraising event to non-SJS families…if you know someone that may want to participate, please send them the information below (it is also posted on our Facebook Page).

Two of our Saint James School moms (both of whom work as professional photographers) will be conducting photography sessions for Christmas Card Pictures on Sunday, November 19th from 12pm-5pm in the Saint James Church basement.   You will receive all images digitally to use for Christmas cards, etc. and 100% of the session fee will go directly to Saint James School! Please see the attached flyer for more details and registration info.

Copy of Christmas Mini Sessions

All families signed up for the Christmas photo shoot will have their name entered into a drawing for the candy cane centerpiece below (flowers included). The drawing will take place prior to the start of the shoot so when the winning family comes in for their session, they can leave with the centerpiece.

Attention Middle School Parents

This morning we hosted a member of the local police department to discuss internet safety with our middle school students.  A hard copy of the attached letter and internet safety contract are coming home with (middle school) students today.  We hope you will utilize the contract as another opportunity to talk to your children about internet safety and social media utilization.

Internet Safety Letter & Contract