2018-2019 Registration Reminder

As a reminder, the 2018-2019 registration paperwork for RETURNING families was sent out via e-mail on Thursday, February 1st.  If you did not receive the e-mail, please e-mail Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net.

If you would prefer a hard copy of the registration paperwork, please call or e-mail Mrs. Sager in the main office and she will send one home with your child.  Registration paperwork is due back to the office by February 26th.

Registration for new families joining SJS for the 2018-2019 school year will begin in early March.

Saint James School Summer Program

Book & Art Club

This past Monday, the SJS Book & Art Club read the book “The Valentine Bears” made Valentine treat candies out of model magic to put in cute heart-shaped boxes!  Special thanks to Mrs. Carpenter for these cute pictures!


Valentine’s Dress Down

4th & 5th Grade Basketball Finals

The Saint James Gym was buzzing this past Saturday morning, as the three Saturday league 4th and 5th Grade Boys team were battling for the League Championship trophy. The White Team,  led by Coaches Eric and EJ Kincheloe pulled away from the Blue team Coached by Dave Chomick with a big crowd in attendance to see the Title game. Inspired performances by Dylan R. and Owen B. fueled the White team to the championship win. Coach Kincheloe said,  “He was so proud of his Boys for overcoming a buzzer beating loss Friday to win 3 Straight games in route to the Title.”  Many thanks to all the parents, players, coaches, and Mr. Green for another great season!


100th Day

January Extended Day Statements

Extended Day billing statements for the month of January are now available. If you utilize the extended day program, please make sure you grab yours from Ms. Jean at pick-up this afternoon.

Archbishop Blair Visit

Board Game Club

Only a couple of spots left!  The next after school Board Game Club will be held on Tuesday, February 27th.  Please click THIS LINK to sign up (first come, first served).


Tomorrow’s Ski Club Cancelled

Due to the unpredictability of tomorrow’s weather, tomorrow’s ski club has been cancelled.  We are unsure what tomorrow’s weather will be, so please check your text/email/tv in the morning.  As a reminder, we follow the closings for “Manchester Public Schools.”