Hot Lunch Update
Thursday’s hot lunch will be a Grilled Chicken Patty on a Whole Wheat Roll. Nacho Supreme will not be served this week.
Soirée Update
As a reminder, Class Basket contributions are due tomorrow – Wednesday, March 14th.
These class baskets, containing donations from the families, will be raffled off at the Soirée. As a reminder, the themes by grade are:
Pre-K… Barbie—Barbie Dream House
K….Legos—Lego Land Discovery Center in MA gift card
1st grade…Movie Night—Home projector or Apple TV
2nd grade …Cozy Book Time—Kindle or Nook
3rd grade…CT Fun—Yard Goat Tickets
4th grade…Family Game Night—Nintendo Switch
5th grade…Chocolate—Chocolate Fountain
6th grade…Spa—Spa gift card
7th grade…Gift Cards
8th grade…Scratch Tickets
Everyone should have received a written notice home from their child/ren’s room parent(s). If you did not receive one, or have questions, please contact the teacher or the room parent directly.
SJS Basketball Update
Three St James Basketball team’s advanced to State Tournament quarterfinals this past weekend. Unfortunately Boys and Girls Varsity teams were eliminated. The JV Boys team won a thriller on Sunday over St Bridget’s of Cheshire to Advance to State Semi-finals, this upcoming game is next Saturday at 3 pm at St. Johns of Watertown.
Both Girls Varsity and Boys JV will also be playing in Deanery Championship games:
*Boys JV Championship Game scheduled for Wednesday night at Corpus Christi versus St Mary’s of Simsbury tip time is 7:15 pm
*Girls Varsity Championship schedule to be announced this week
Congrats to all of the SJS Hoop teams on terrific seasons, and best of luck to Boys JV and Girls Varsity in their Championship games!
Father Daughter Dance – Help Wanted
The Father/Daughter Dance is quickly approaching and moms – we need your help! The dance is scheduled for Saturday, April 21 from 6-9pm, and we are looking for volunteers to help decorate the gym the day of the event, to stay during the event and to help clean-up afterwards. Events like this can’t happen without your help! If you are willing to help during any of these times we would love to have you!
If you are unable to help on the day of the event, but would like to assist in planning and organizing the dance, please let us know.
Please contact Andrea Piotrowski at 860-833-5646 or for further information. An RSVP flyer with full details on the event will be sent home soon.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
A huge THANK YOU to all our SJS parents and students who marched on behalf of Saint James School in the 2018 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Hartford this past Saturday. Extra special thanks to Tom & Jana Tierney for organizing our Saint James School group, and to Jana and Mrs. Moran for the cute pictures!
Ski Club Pictures
Ski Club members are asked to bring in their goggles or ski hat on Monday, March 12th for a yearbook photo.
Marking Period Extended
Due to the two snow days, the marking period will be extended through Tuesday, March 13th. Students should be prepared to take any tests they had scheduled for these days off, when we return to school tomorrow. With the extension of the marking period, report cards will be distributed on March 20th.
Middle School Dance
Please be advised, the next Middle School Dance will be held tomorrow – Friday, March 9th – at Saint Bridget School.