End of School Update

As you know, this has been a very unusual year in terms of the amount of snow days we have incurred.  We have been watching each week as a new storm comes into the forecast and have wanted to see signs of spring before we determined/communicated how we would account for all the missed days.  Thank you for your patience.

Barring any further weather events cancelling school, our last day of school here at Saint James will be Friday, June 22nd.

We will have full-day sessions on Monday and Tuesday of that week, with early dismissal (12:05pm) on Wednesday (June 20th), Thursday (June 21st), and Friday (June 22nd).

Aftercare WILL be in session on all three of the 12:05pm dismissal days.

There will not be any snow days made up during April vacation as many families (and staff) have travel plans.

The extra week of school in June does impact our summer program and we will communicate over the next few days what the changes to that program will look like.

5th Grade Ship Day 2018

Green & White Dress Down

Thank you to all our students and teachers who supported the $1.00 Green & White Dress down Day today in honor of the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. Here are a few pictures of the students captured throughout the day.

March Parent/Teacher Conferences

Saint James School has early dismissal (12:05pm) days scheduled for Wednesday, March 21st and Thursday, March 22nd for parent/teacher conferences.  Please be aware that there will not be “sign ups” for these conferences as they are not mandatory. If you would like to schedule a time for a conference, please contact your child’s teacher to figure out the best time to meet during those two afternoons.

8th Grade “Outsiders”

Yesterday Saint James School 8th graders traded their uniforms for 1960’s attire in honor of finishing their coursework on the book The Outsiders.  In addition to writing a cause and effect essay, students were given moral/ethical questions to consider both before and after they read the book.  These questions were used for class discussions on tolerance, acceptance, empathy, and other themes central to the story. Below are some pictures of the students.



Tonight: Saint James Parish Lenten Talk

Father William Metzler from Saint Mark the Evangelist, West Hartford will give a Lenten talk at 7:00PM this evening – Thursday, March 15th – at Saint James Church. The topic will be “Faith & The Human Journey.” All Saint James School families are welcome to attend.  We hope to see you there!

Green & White $1.00 Dress Down Tomorrow

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, Mrs. Zorger is hosting a green & white $1.00 dress down day tomorrow – Friday, 3/16.  All money raised will be donated to St. Baldrick’s Foundation, which funds pediatric cancer research.

HSA GIVES Teams Up with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation

For our Spring community outreach, HSA GIVES is raising money to support pediatric cancer research through the St. Baldrick’s Foundation.  On Sunday, April 8th at the Hilton Mystic, right across from the Mystic Aquarium, we will be taking part a “hair-raising” event.  Please check out our flyer to see what all the “buzz” is about and join us in supporting this vital cause.  Every year, 300,000 children world-wide are diagnosed with cancer; they need our help.  For more information about St. Baldrick’s Foundation and their mission, see their Fact Sheet.

Please click HERE for the SJS flyer.

Please click HERE for more information about St Baldrick’s.

Book & Art Club

Yesterday’s Dr. Seuss-themed book and art club, the group read “The Lorax” and made Truffula Tree pictures and Lorax mustaches.

Board Game Club Update

Yesterday’s Board Game Club for students in GRADES 3 – 5 has been rescheduled to next Tuesday, March 20th.  There are still a few spots available – if you would like your child to participate, please RSVP HERE.  If your student is no longer able to make it on the new date, please e-mail Mrs. Piotrowski at ampiotrowski@yahoo.com.