Guest Readers
As part of our month long Read Across America reading initiatives, on Wednesday our kindergarten – 3rd grade students were treated to some special guest readers from the Manchester community! …
As part of our month long Read Across America reading initiatives, on Wednesday our kindergarten – 3rd grade students were treated to some special guest readers from the Manchester community! …
Saint James School is excited to announce that one of our 3rd grade students, Rhea Bhagat, has been designated a Regional Winner in this year’s Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Contest. Rhea’s beautiful cursive writing was selected from thousands of submissions…
Today we are “casual for a cause” with students and staff having the option to dress down (or up!) in Green & White for a $1.00+ donation to Manchester’s Rebuilding Together program. Together we raised over $350 – Great job Sabers!
Yesterday our 3rd – 5th grade students were treated to a science-focused assembly with lots of hands-on fun.
Yesterday we celebrated the end of the season for our JV and Varsity basketball teams. The JV teams enjoyed a pizza party during school, while the Varsity teams and their parents enjoyed their celebration in the evening.
A huge congratulations to the winners this year’s Saint James School Spelling Bee!…
This morning our 4th grade students each completed their research project on an assigned U.S. President by giving an oral presentation to their classmates along with a Google Slides slideshow. Students had to research and present specific information following a well-defined rubric. Adding to the fun…
Yesterday afternoon, several of our middle students stayed after school to work on assembling “Brian Bags” – special care kits designed with members of the local homeless community in mind. Through this special mission of Mrs. Donna Finneran…
Join as for an amazing night of food, fun, and festivities as we celebrate and support Saint James School! Our school’s annual (adults-only) Gala & Auction Fundraiser is always a BLAST so be sure to get your RSVP in early since space is limited!! Invitations are being sent home TODAY with students. If you need an extra copy, please email Jeannine Thornton (
If you would like to donate an item to the Auction portion of this year’s Gala, please reach out to Patricia McCarthy at OR send a copy of the completed Gala Auction Donation Form to the main office. If you or someone you know would like to advertise their business (or send well wishes to your child’s class, etc.) advertising and sponsorship information can be found here: Gala Sponsorship Form.
Hard copies of the Gala Donation and Sponsorship Forms will also be available in the SJS main office.
In the next week or so, we will begin collecting items for the 2025 Class Baskets, which will be raffled off as part of our Gala. If you are not familiar with this portion of the Gala, feel free to click HERE to see the amazing baskets we were able to raffle off last year. Classroom parents will be reaching out shortly with details for your child’s grade.
Basket themes this year will be as follows:
Pre-K: Barbie
Grade 1: Foodie/Cooking
Grade 2: Book Nook
Grade 3: Pokemon & Game Night
Grade 4: Sports
Grade 5: Teen Dream
Grade 6: Spa Time
Grade 7: Gift Cards
Grade 8: Lottery/Scratch Tickets
Our Annual Gala & Auction is always our largest fundraiser of the year. We thank you for any support you can provide!!
Saint James School is excited to announce the return of our super-fun, 6-week Summer Program!
Mrs. Nunes (SJS Grade 2 teacher) will be serving as this year’s Summer Program Director! The remaining program staff will be comprised of Saint James School teachers, teacher aides, and aftercare team members.
Our Summer Program is open to any student who is registered for Saint James School’s Pre-K4 through 4th Grade for Fall 2025. Returning SJS students will receive priority registration until Friday, March 14th. After that time, we will open enrollment to new students joining our school for Fall 2025. Space in each week is limited.
Weekly themes, pricing, and more can be found in the informational brochure and registration form below. Completed registration forms should be sent to the SJS Main Office in an envelope labeled “Summer Program” (or email completed forms
2025 Summer Program Informational Brochure
2025 Summer Program Registration Form