Buddy Family Sign-Up
Saint James School invites you to become a Buddy Family for one or two of the many new families joining our elementary/middle school program for the 2021-2022 school year. Being a buddy family does not require much time and is a great way to support our school community. Buddy Families are asked to do the following:
*Call and welcome the new family(s) to the Saint James School community.
*Answer questions about the school, uniforms, events, and anything else pertaining to the school that you think is relevant to the new family(s).
*Look for your buddy family on the first day of school; Have your child help the new student on the first few days of school (for buddy families with older students)
If you are interested in becoming a Buddy Family for the coming school year please FILL OUT THIS FORM. Please feel free to contact Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net with any questions.
Thank you for helping us welcome our new families to the SJS community.