Tomorrow: Box Tops For Education


Box tops for the first dress down contest of the new school year will be counted after school on September 12th.  Please be sure to send in any box tops you accumulated over the summer to help your child’s grade win!

Each year, Saint James School asks parents to clip “Box Tops for Education” and send them into the school. Each Box Top you clip earns 10₡ for Saint James. Last year, our school earned over $1,550 from Box Tops alone!

Each month, the GRADE that brings in the most Box Tops will win a free dress down day (date determined by the teachers).
To count for the September Box Tops dress down contest, Box Tops need to be submitted to your child’s teacher by 2:00pm on the counting date.

To learn more about Box Tops, visit the Box Tops For Education Website or contact Saint James School parent volunteer coordinator Mary Beth Dufresne at

By creating a free account on the Box Tops For Education website (, you will also be able to enter contests and give-a-ways for additional free Box Tops for our school.

As always, we appreciate your support of Saint James School!