Blue & Gold/Spirit Wear Dress Down Tomorrow

As a reminder, tomorrow is a Blue & Gold/SJS Spiritwear Dress Down Day and we will have a fun pep rally in the afternoon!

Please note all standard dress down guidelines from the handbook apply including:

  • Leggings are not permitted (unless the student is wearing a long shirt that comes down to mid-thigh)
  • No shorts, halter tops, half shirts, tank tops, low-cut, or see-through tops
  • High heels, platform shoes, flip-flops, open-toe sandals, and shoes with no backs are not allowed.
  • Clothing must not be torn, ragged, have holes, or have inappropriate slogans
  • No colored hair or nail polish

Parents will be called to bring a change of clothes if students are in dress down attire and school policies are not met.  Please ensure your child’s outfit conforms to the dress down guidelines outlined in the parent/student handbook: 2022-2023 Parent Student Handbook