Pre-K Plants Flowers for Earth Day

Our Pre-K students had a great week celebrating our planet and learning how to take care of it.  Today our Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 students planted seeds that they can watch grow!  Great job Sabers!

Reminder: 100 Acts of Kindness

As a reminder, to celebrate our Centennial Anniversary and honor our school’s tradition of service to others, Saint James School is in the midst of a 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge!  The list below shows some simple ideas that families/students can participate in.  Be sure to add your family’s contribution to our Google Form: or your student can send a note to Mrs. Zorger directly.

Brian Bags Service Project

Yesterday afternoon, several of our 8th grade students stayed after school to work on assembling “Brian Bags” –  special care kits designed with members of the local homeless community in mind.  A special mission of Mrs. Donna Finneran (who has been to our school on numerous occasions to speak with our students)…

Reminder: Brian Bags

Today after school several of our 8th grade students will be assembling Brian Bags to distribute to the local homeless community.  Our school has participated in this service opportunity for many years.  If you are new to SJS or don’t remember what the Brian Bags are, you can read last year’s informational post here:

If you would like a few “Brian Bags” sent home with your student(s) to distribute to any homeless individual you may encounter in your daily travels, please send a note to their teacher(s) tomorrow or Friday.

Tomorrow: 100th Anniversary Shirt Day

On Wednesday, (4/19), Saint James School students (and staff) are invited to wear their Saint James School 100th Anniversary Shirts to school with their regular uniform bottoms.  

4th Grade STEM Club

STEM Club will be held on Tuesday, April 25 for students in Grade 4.  If your child would like to attend, please complete the permission form.

STEM Club Permission Slip 042523

Reminder: Gala Basket Tickets!

Attention Bus Riders

A quick note that we WILL have all of our buses tomorrow (Wednesday) as MPS is off this week.

Pre-K4s Get Ready For Earth Day!

This week our Pre-K4 students are talking about taking care of our planet in advance of Earth Day

Reminder: Preliminary ’23-’24 Calendar

Below please find the preliminary one page calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.  Please note this is still subject to change but represents our planned schedule at this time.

2023-2024 One Page Calendar