As a reminder for families that registered: Cooking Club starts after school this coming Monday (1/6), Chess Club and Crazy 8s begins on Wednesday (1/8), and Ski Club begins Friday (1/10).
Please remember to send a note (or email) to your child’s teacher stating that your student will be staying after and for which club. Please also indicate in that note if your student will be picked after their activity or should go to aftercare.
Crazy 8s ends at 3:00pm, Cooking Club & Chess Club end at 3:15pm. Pickup will be at the side door in the dismissal parking lot.
Additional details about Ski Club will be sent out early next week to participating families.
Mad Science begins on Thursday, January 16th.
Ski Club Fun
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolOur Ski & Snowboard Club enjoyed their first outing of the season at Mount Southington Ski Area on Friday afternoon. We have 67 students and approximately 18-20 parents (depending on the week) participating this year! Thank you to the parents who sent in these pics for us to share.
Reminder: 12:05pm Dismissal Tomorrow
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolJust a reminder that tomorrow – Thursday, January 9th – is a 12:05pm dismissal day. Aftercare will be in session.
Ski Club Starts Friday
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolSki Club begins on Friday, 1/10. For students taking the bus to Mount Southington, all of their ski/snowboard gear, attire, change of clothes/shoes, and extra “stuff” can be stored in the gym entrance until the end of the day. Mrs. Guenther will open the GYM DOORS at 7:25am on Friday morning for you/your student to begin dropping items off. Please do not unload skis/boards in the morning arrival “drop and go” area unless it is before 7:30am.
All ski club families should have received an informational email earlier this week. If you did not receive it, please reach out to the school.
Reminder: Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolThe Knights of Columbus will host their annual Free Throw Competition for boys and girls from the ages of 9 to 14 on Saturday, January 11th at 1:00pm. The even will be held in the Saint Bridget School Gym, 74 Main Street, Manchester. No registration is required, but please see the flyer below or click HERE for details.
Reminder: LEGO Club (Grades 2-4)
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolSaint James School will host a STEM Explorations/LEGO building club after school on Tuesdays for SJS students in grades 2 – 4. The program cost is $160 for the 8-week program (February 4, 11, 25; March 4, 11, 25; April 1, 8; Make up day 4/29). To register your student(s) please follow this link: We are excited to bring this new extra curricular offering to SJS for our students to enjoy!
MAP Testing Tomorrow
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolPlease note that SJS 3rd – 8th grade students will be doing the MAP Adaptive Assessments first thing in the morning tomorrow – Tuesday, January 7th. Please make sure your student is at school on time as we will begin right after announcements.
For middle school students – please make sure your child comes to school with their Chromebook fully charged tomorrow!!
3rd Grade STEM Club
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolThere will be a session of STEM Club for students in Grade 3 on Monday, January 13. If your child would like to attend, please complete the permission form.
STEM Club Permission Slip 011325
Reminder: Family Mass 1/5
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolDon’t let your Christmas and New Year’s celebrations end after the school break is over! Let’s celebrate together at the next School Family Parish Mass on January 5th.
ALL students and their families are encouraged to attend, no matter your faith background or practices. These Masses are a wonderful way for the parish to promote its largest ministry, OUR SCHOOLS. Please see this flyer for details.
Extra Curricular Fun Starting Next Week
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolAs a reminder for families that registered: Cooking Club starts after school this coming Monday (1/6), Chess Club and Crazy 8s begins on Wednesday (1/8), and Ski Club begins Friday (1/10).
Please remember to send a note (or email) to your child’s teacher stating that your student will be staying after and for which club. Please also indicate in that note if your student will be picked after their activity or should go to aftercare.
Crazy 8s ends at 3:00pm, Cooking Club & Chess Club end at 3:15pm. Pickup will be at the side door in the dismissal parking lot.
Additional details about Ski Club will be sent out early next week to participating families.
Mad Science begins on Thursday, January 16th.
Congratulations Poster Contest Winners
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolCongratulations to the winners of the Knights of Columbus 2024 Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest! Their posters will now be submitted to the next level of competition..