On April 19, 2013, the Appropriations Committee of the General Assembly proposed a 70% cut in the funding for Catholic School Bus Transportation – a cut from $3,595,000 to $719,100. Dale R. Hoyt, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Hartford has asked that parents reach out to their legislative leaders to ask them to reverse their proposal.
As noted by the CT Federation of Catholic School Parents in their memo, the Appropriations Committee should better appreciate that for years our Catholic Schools have saved the State about $360M each year; The Appropriations Committee should better appreciate that our parents also pay their fair share of local property taxes – and it is only right that they should receive some assistance for the transportation of many of our students.
Please open and read the attached Word document for more details.
Legislative Alert 05 08 2013
Important Information For This Year's Kindergarten Parents
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenJust a reminder that the last full day of school for Kindergarten students (K only) is Thursday, June 13th. The Kindergarten graduation & celebration will be held on Friday, June 14th. On the 14th, students should arrive to school at 9:30am and parents/family members should report to the gym where the graduation ceremony will be held. Students will go home with their family members after a celebration in the lower church.
Kindergarten families should have received a notice in their child’s folder earlier in the week regarding this. Please be on the lookout for additional details from the Kindergarten teachers in the weeks to come.
Congratulations to all our Kindergarten families on this exciting milestone!
Important Information For This Year’s Kindergarten Parents
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolJust a reminder that the last full day of school for Kindergarten students (K only) is Thursday, June 13th. The Kindergarten graduation & celebration will be held on Friday, June 14th. On the 14th, students should arrive to school at 9:30am and parents/family members should report to the gym where the graduation ceremony will be held. Students will go home with their family members after a celebration in the lower church.
Kindergarten families should have received a notice in their child’s folder earlier in the week regarding this. Please be on the lookout for additional details from the Kindergarten teachers in the weeks to come.
Congratulations to all our Kindergarten families on this exciting milestone!
Saint James School Mother/Son Event
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThe Saint James School HSA will host its annual Mother/Son Event this year on Sunday, June 2nd at the South Windsor Swim & Tennis Club. The event will run from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Please open the attached flyer for additional details (please note, the flyer coming home via kid mail inadvertently states 2012 – it should read 2013. Flyer attached below is correct). We hope to see you there!
Mother/Son Event 2013
Father/Daughter Dance
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolSaint James School would like to extend a huge thank you to the Father/Daughter Dance Committee for a wonderful job on Saturday’s event!
1st Graders Release Butterflys
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolOver the past month, the first grade classes have watched the life cycle of a caterpillar right in their classrooms – from larva to chrysalis (cocoon) to butterfly. On Friday, students watched as the butterflys were released into the wild.
Tuesday's Sports Banquet
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenJust a reminder that the SJS All Sports Banquet is being held at East Catholic on Tuesday, May 14th at 5:30pm. RSVPs are due this Friday (please see flyer below)
Tuesday’s Sports Banquet
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolJust a reminder that the SJS All Sports Banquet is being held at East Catholic on Tuesday, May 14th at 5:30pm. RSVPs are due this Friday (please see flyer below)
Notice From CT Federation of Catholic School Parents Regarding Bus Service
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolOn April 19, 2013, the Appropriations Committee of the General Assembly proposed a 70% cut in the funding for Catholic School Bus Transportation – a cut from $3,595,000 to $719,100. Dale R. Hoyt, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Hartford has asked that parents reach out to their legislative leaders to ask them to reverse their proposal.
As noted by the CT Federation of Catholic School Parents in their memo, the Appropriations Committee should better appreciate that for years our Catholic Schools have saved the State about $360M each year; The Appropriations Committee should better appreciate that our parents also pay their fair share of local property taxes – and it is only right that they should receive some assistance for the transportation of many of our students.
Please open and read the attached Word document for more details.
Legislative Alert 05 08 2013
Fourth Grade Tours Historic Manchester
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolOn Tuesday, May 7th, Saint James School Fourth Graders took a tour of Historic Manchester to learn more about the rich history of our town. They visited the Manchester History Center, Fire Museum, Old Manchester Museum, Cheney Homestead, and Keeney Schoolhouse. Volunteers from the Manchester Historical Society were on hand to offer guided tours of each site. Pictures from the day are below.
International Day A Huge Success
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolCongratulations to the Saint James School 8th Grade class on the outstanding job they did hosting International Day. The costumes, props and knowledge of their assigned country were very impressive. Great job class of 2013! Pictures from today are below…