Celebrating St. Nicholas’ Feast Day

In keeping with tradition, our Pre-Kindergarten through 3rd Grade students left one shoe outside their classroom this morning in celebration of St. Nicholas Day (Feast Day of St. Nicholas).  More commonly observed in Northern Europe, St. Nicholas Day

Extra Curricular Opportunities

Starting in January, Saint James School is adding the following, fun extra curricular activities:

Mad Science (Gr. 1 & 2)

Open to SJS students in grades 1 & 2, this program will take place at SJS directly after school on Thursdays from late January through Mid March.  Please see THIS FLYER for more information and use THIS LINK to register your student if they are interested (all registrations are done online for this activity).  Space is limited.


Chess Club (Gr. 3-8)

Open to SJS students in grades 3 – 8, this club will take place after school on Wednesdays.  First session will run January through the end of February.  A second session will be available to students in the Spring.  For more information and to register your student(s), please download THIS FLYER.  RSVP forms and payment are due to the SJS main office by January 4th (or until capacity is reached – whichever comes first).  This club does need parent volunteers in order to run.  Volunteers that sign up for all 8 weeks will have the club fee waived (first come, first served for this).


Crazy 8s Math Club (Gr. 3 & 4)

One of our elementary teachers will be hosting an after school, 8-week math club for students in grades 3 & 4.  Each week will have a different theme – appropriate for this age group – such as Neon Geometry, Funny Money, and Spy Training.  At this time, the club will be limited to the first 16 students that sign up and will be held on Thursdays from 1/4 through 2/22 until 3:15pm.  Cost is $25 per student for the session.  Parents/guardians must use THIS LINK to sign their student up.  Payment (cash or check) is due to the SJS main office by Thursday 12/7 (please label envelope with “Crazy 8s Math Club” and be sure to list student’s name and homeroom teacher).  Checks should be made out to Saint James School.


Passport/Geography Club (Gr. 4-8)

Middle School Geography/History teacher Mr. Adams will be hosting a Geography Club after school on alternate Thursday afternoons from January through May.  The club is open to students in grades 4-8 and will meet every other week until 3:15pm on the following dates: 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 2/29, 3/14, 3/28, 4/18, 5/2, 5/16, 5/30.  Club members will engage in geography activities and games, writing activities, exploring cultural heritage, and current happenings around the world.  The cost is $25 per student.  Parents/guardians must use THIS LINK to sign their student up.  Payment (cash or check) is due to the SJS main office by Thursday 12/7 (please label envelope with “Passport Club” and be sure to list student’s name and homeroom teacher).  Checks should be made out to Saint James School.


Cooking Club (Gr. 5-8)

This club will meet after school on Mondays in January through mid-March.  Please view the flyer HERE.  Payment and RSVP is all done online through THIS LINK.  Space is limited and we must have minimum participation of 12 students.


Ski Club (Gr. 3-8)

As a reminder, Ski Club sign up information was sent out last week to families that expressed interest.  Registration is due this week.  There are a few spots open still, please reply to this email if your student may want to participate but was not on the original list.





8th Grade Student Wins Essay Contest

Saint James School 8th grade students, under the guidance of religion teacher Mrs. DiBenedetto, participated in the recent Knights of Columbus Essay contest, focusing on spreading Catholic teaching in the digital age.  Today we were joined by Mr. Kennedy, Mr. LeBlanc, and Mr. Misage (not pictured) from the Knights of Columbus, who thanked students for their thoughtful participation and awarded 1st place in the local contest to SJS 8th grade student Jason Miller.  Congratulations Jason!


Attn K-8 Families: Notice Coming Home

Today, students will be bringing home an important notice on yellow paper that we would like every family to pay attention to.  Please ask your student for this information and review it in detail with any family members that assist with transportation.  Thank you!

2023 Annual Fund Update & Thank You

Basket Samples

A Note About SJS Lock-Down Drills

A quick informational note for parents in our community:

Today SJS held our second lock-down drill of the ’23-’24 school year.  As this was the second drill of the new school year, our K-8 classes were not given advanced notice (whereas all classes were prepared to expect the first one).  These practice events are always announced as a “Lock-Down DRILL” over the intercom, indicating there is no cause for alarm but diligence is still required of everyone.  Teachers and staff have different language they know to listen for in the event of a true emergency.

While lock-down drills are – unfortunately – a part of growing up in today’s world, they do afford teachers and students a formal opportunity to practice and discuss how to react should the need arise.  We are very pleased to share that during today’s lock-down drill, students and staff reacted quickly so that everyone was in a secure “lock-down” state within seconds.

Each year, Saint James School works diligently with law enforcement and private security organizations to review our school’s safety procedures. This year we have contracted with a new security firm which, in conjunction with the Manchester Police Department, is working with us to fine-tune our current safety procedures.

The safety and well-being of every student entrusted to our care is at the forefront of everything we do here at SJS.  We wanted to bring today’s drill to your attention so that you may have a timely conversation with your student(s) about how to react in an emergency situation should you deem appropriate.

2024 Ski Club

Families that expressed interest in our 2024 Ski/Snowboard Club should have received an email this morning with registration instructions. If you did not receive that email – or would like to add your 3rd- 8th grade student to the wait list – please reach out to Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net

December Calendars & Newsletter

Please print our December Events Calendar and review the December Saber Stories Newsletter.

Calendar Page December 2023

Saber Stories December 2023

The December Lunch Calendar is posted below.  As usual, this will be added to the SJS website and App on December 1st.

St. James Menu – December 2023

Thank You!

Mrs. Zorger wanted to share a quick note of gratitude for a great morning arrival today.  Thank you to all our families who adjusted their schedules to ensure students were in their classrooms by 7:50am this morning.  It is helpful to both the administration and classroom teachers to have everyone ready to start their day when the 7:50am bell rings.