Congratulations to Saint James School 8th graders Hanna Little and Joe McGuire, who received 1st and 2nd place (respectively) in the VFW’s essay contest on the topic of “Why I Appreciate America’s Veterans”. Their essays were selected from the over 140 submissions received by our local (Anderson Shea Post) VFW.
Entries were judged on knowledge of the topic/research, theme development, and clarity of ideas. The winning essays will now be sent to the regional level where they will be judged against other local winners in the state.

Tuesday, during a school assembly, Doris Robotto of the VFW Ladies Auxiliary presented Hanna and Joe with their winner certificates and prize money ($100 for first place; $75 for second place).
Open House Postponed
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThe Saint James School Open House for prospective families, originally scheduled for tomorrow (Jan 27th) has been re-scheduled to Tuesday, February 3rd at 8:30am. Families unable to make the reschedule date are invited to attend the March 10th open house (6:30pm) or call the Main Office at 860.643.5088 (Option 1) to schedule a private tour on a convenient date/time.
Extended Day Pick-up by 1:00pm Today
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlease note, Saint James School will dismiss at 12:05 today as per the early dismissal schedule. In addition, all children attending aftercare must be picked up by 1:00pm per the early dismissal policy.
All State Band Auditions this Friday
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAll State Band auditions will be held tomorrow evening (Friday, January 23rd) starting at 6:00 pm at Saint James School for any Regional Band students who wish to participate in the All State Band.
"The Outsiders" Pictures
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenToday, Saint James School 8th graders traded their uniforms for 1960’s attire in honor of finishing their coursework on the book The Outsiders. In addition to writing a cause and effect essay, students were given moral/ethical questions to consider both before and after they read the book. These questions were used for class discussions on tolerance, acceptance, empathy, and other themes central to the story. Pictures below are from Mrs. Wolpert’s 10:10 class.
“The Outsiders” Pictures
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolToday, Saint James School 8th graders traded their uniforms for 1960’s attire in honor of finishing their coursework on the book The Outsiders. In addition to writing a cause and effect essay, students were given moral/ethical questions to consider both before and after they read the book. These questions were used for class discussions on tolerance, acceptance, empathy, and other themes central to the story. Pictures below are from Mrs. Wolpert’s 10:10 class.
SJS Students Win Local Patriot Pen Essay Contest
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolCongratulations to Saint James School 8th graders Hanna Little and Joe McGuire, who received 1st and 2nd place (respectively) in the VFW’s essay contest on the topic of “Why I Appreciate America’s Veterans”. Their essays were selected from the over 140 submissions received by our local (Anderson Shea Post) VFW.
Entries were judged on knowledge of the topic/research, theme development, and clarity of ideas. The winning essays will now be sent to the regional level where they will be judged against other local winners in the state.
Tuesday, during a school assembly, Doris Robotto of the VFW Ladies Auxiliary presented Hanna and Joe with their winner certificates and prize money ($100 for first place; $75 for second place).
6th Grade Science Pictures
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolSaint James School 6th grade students have been studying erosion, deposition, and sedimentation as part of their latest Earth Science lesson. Today they used home-made Sedimentators to demonstrate and discuss the various principles as they prepare for an upcoming test. Pictures are from the 8:15am class.
Reminder: Forms Due Tomorrow for Volunteer Mass & Reception
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenAs part of our celebration of Catholic Schools Month 2015, we have designated Monday, January 26 to show our appreciation of “Service” to Saint James School volunteers. We invite our volunteers to join us in
“Faith” as we hold a Catholic School’s Mass at 9:00 A.M. followed by a special reception in the church hall.
Please join us so that all of the students of Saint James School can see the faces of the dedicated parents and family members who donate their time, talent, and treasures to our school.
If you will be joining us, please fill out the form below and return it to your child’s homeroom teacher by Thursday, January 22.
Volunteer Reception RSVP Letter
Reminder: Forms Due Tomorrow for Volunteer Mass & Reception
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAs part of our celebration of Catholic Schools Month 2015, we have designated Monday, January 26 to show our appreciation of “Service” to Saint James School volunteers. We invite our volunteers to join us in
“Faith” as we hold a Catholic School’s Mass at 9:00 A.M. followed by a special reception in the church hall.
Please join us so that all of the students of Saint James School can see the faces of the dedicated parents and family members who donate their time, talent, and treasures to our school.
If you will be joining us, please fill out the form below and return it to your child’s homeroom teacher by Thursday, January 22.
Volunteer Reception RSVP Letter
HSA & Gala Meeting Tonight @ 6:30
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenThere will be a combined HSA/Gala meeting tonight (Tuesday, January 20th) at 6:30pm in the Pre-K. All SJS parents/grandparents are encouraged to attend to help plan the school’s upcoming social and fundraising events.