Breezeway Roof

We are excited to announce that construction on our new breezeway roof is underway!  The final component will be a metal sheeting that matches the green of the new windows.  This piece is expected to be installed in the next week or two.




New School Phone System

Over April break the school upgraded the phone and intercom system.  Please bear with us this week as we learn the new system and the installer works to correct any issues.









Father/Daughter Dance

The Saint James School Father/Daughter dance will be held on Saturday, May 9th from 6:00pm – 9:00pm.  An informational flyer/RSVP form is being sent home with the girls.  If you did not receive it yesterday, it should come home today.  A copy is also attached below.  Please RSVP by May 1st.

2015 Father/Daughter Dance Invite


SJS Soccer Starts Saturday

The following information was sent out yesterday via e-mail to parents/guardians of all children registered to play SJS Soccer.  If you did not receive a copy of the e-mail, please check your spam/junk mail folder.  If it is still missing, please send an email to

The Catholic School Soccer League will kick off on Saturday.  Some reminders for the games:

  • Please arrive at least 20 minutes prior to game time.  This very important this week –we have uniforms to distribute. Please wear soccer shorts, shin guards and soccer socks.  Soccer shoes if you have them (plastic cleats only).  Sneakers will work also.
  • All jewelry must be removed (including earrings) and only soft headbands .
  • Bring plenty of water.
  • Apply Sun Screen.
  • Parents –you may want to bring bug repellent.

The schedule is as follows:

SATURDAY APRIL 18 Game Schedule:

09:30am C/Oak-2: St. James-Royal vs  St. James-Yellow
12:30pm C/Oak-3: St. James-Gold vs Corpus Christi-Navy
02:00pm C/Oak-3: St. Christopher vs St. James-Gold


8:00am C/Oak-2: St. James-White vs St. Bernard
08:45am C/Oak-1: St. James-White vs Corpus Christi-Blue
09:30pm Ken-2: St. Bridget vs St. James-Cobalt
10:15am Ken-1 St. Martha vs St. James-Cobalt
11:30am C/Oak-1 St. Edward vs St. James-Blue
12:15pm C/Oak-1 St. Christopher vs St. James-Blue

C/Oak  – Charter Oak Field-Manchester;  Ken – Kennedy Field Manchester

St. James Team make up:

St. James Gold:      8th   Grade
St. James Yellow:  7th    Grade
St. James Royal:     6th   Grade

St. James Blue:     5th   Grade
St. James Cobalt:  4th   Grade
St. James White:   3rd   Grade

We may have to adjust the rosters after this week to account for the number of players and boy/girl split on some of the teams.  We may also ask some players to play an extra game this week due to many players still being on vacation.

No School Next Week & Breezeway Roof

Just a reminder that Saint James School is on break all next week (13th – 17th) for our April vacation.  We are excited to announce that the new (“peaked”) breezeway roof is expected to be installed during this time (barring any unforeseen issues).  We hope you have a wonderful, relaxing week and we will see you back at school on Monday, April 20th.


No School Next Week & Breezeway Roof

Just a reminder that Saint James School is on break all next week (13th – 17th) for our April vacation.  We are excited to announce that the new (“peaked”) breezeway roof is expected to be installed during this time (barring any unforeseen issues).  We hope you have a wonderful, relaxing week and we will see you back at school on Monday, April 20th.


Soar Indoors Fundraiser Cancelled

The Soar Indoors Fundraiser, scheduled for Wednesday of April Vacation has been cancelled.  If families still wish to attend during the scheduled time frame, they may, but the event will not be associated with the school.










Morning Dropoff

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents if you are dropping off on Otis Street, you need to park on the side of the road and let your child out on the sidewalk.  If they are younger, please walk with them to the crosswalk and help them cross safely.  This morning parents were double parking and students were getting out into the road, causing a very unsafe situation.  Thank you for your attention to this important matter.







Hats Off to Reading

Congratulations to our Hats Off to Reading contest winners:  1st grade!  The 1st graders read a total of 668 books, winning a dress down day and no homework night (teachers will let their classes know when the dress down day will occur).



HSA Meeting Tonight

Just a reminder that there is a Home & School Association (HSA) Meeting tonight at 6:30pm in the Pre-Kindergarten building.  All parents/grandparents/guardians of Saint James School students are invited to attend.  We will be discussing nominations for next year’s board, mixed bag fundraiser, water bottle fundraiser, and Father/Daughter dance.