Christmas Concert This Wednesday!

Just a reminder that the annual SJS Christmas Concert will be held on December 11th featuring the Saint James School bands as well as performances by our 1st and 4th grade students.

A daytime concert will be held in the morning for students and staff (students wear regular school uniform attire for the daytime performance). The evening concert will begin at 6:30pm and is for parents and friends of the school.  All performers are expected to attend.

Performer Arrival Times & Attire for Evening Show

Band students should arrive at the school cafeteria between 6:00pm-6:15pm.  Evening concert attire for band students is a white dress shirt and black dress pants (or black skirt for girls – skirts must be knee length or longer).  Red bow ties and cummerbunds will be provided for the students to wear when they arrive.  Any alumni and parents who play wind instruments are welcome to sit in with the advanced band.  Please contact Mr. Corcoran if you wish to perform.

4th Grade:
All 4th grade students should arrive between 6:00pm-6:15pm and report to the cafeteria;  Attire for the evening performance is “Sunday Best” or “Holiday Best” (band students wear attire for band performers noted above). At the end of the concert teachers will bring students back to the gym for dismissal.


 1st Grade:
 All 1st grade students should arrive between 6:00pm-6:15pm and report to the breezeway, where a staff member will guide them to their classroom to prepare for the concert; Family members should proceed to the gym to find a seat.  Attire for the evening performance is “Sunday Best” or “Holiday Best.” At the end of the concert please pick your student up in their classroom.


Pre-K Grinch Day

“Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more.” – The Grinch

St. Nicholas’ Feast Day

In keeping with tradition, our Pre-Kindergarten through 3rd Grade students left one shoe outside their classroom this morning in celebration of St. Nicholas Day (Feast Day of St. Nicholas).  More commonly observed in Northern Europe, St. Nicholas Day is celebrated…

No Games, Practices, or HSA Meeting Tonight

Since school was closed today, all practices/games are cancelled for tonight.  The HSA meeting is also cancelled.

Reminder: SJS Inclement Weather Policy

Below please find a link to our 2024-2025 Inclement Weather Policy.  For families that were with us last year, there are a few changes this year:

1) Please look for St. Teresa of Calcutta Church on the television instead of Saint James School.  This will indicate that both our parish schools are closed, delayed, or dismissing early.

2) You will receive a text message from our FACTS Emergency Alert System indicating that school is closed, delayed, or dismissing early.

Reminders: If your family uses the extended day program

* If SJS is closing early due to inclement weather, aftercare closes at 12:00pm and you must pick up your student by that time.

* If we have a delayed opening, there is NO before-school care available that day.

SJS Inclement Weather Policy 2024-2025

This policy will be posted at the bottom of the SJS email blast for quick reference as we get into the winter season.

SJS Upcoming Basketball Games

All families are welcome to come out to cheer on the Sabers:

Thursday, December 5th
St. James Varsity Girls vs Corpus Christi at SJS – 6:00pm;
St James Varsity Boys (Gold) vs Corpus Christi at SJS – 7:15pm;

Friday, December 6th
St James JV Boys vs. St Paul at St. Paul, Kensington – 6:00pm;
St. James Varsity Boys (Blue) vs St. Paul at St. Paul, Kensington – 7:15pm

Monday, December 9th
St. James JV Girls vs. St. Mary at SJS – 6:00pm
St. James Boys Varsity vs St. James Varsity Gold – 7:15pm


SJS Ski Club

We are excited to announce the return of the SJS Ski & Snowboard club for another fun year on the slopes!  Ski & Snowboard Club is for students in grades 3 – 8 (students in grades 3 & 4 MUST have a parent or guardian present at all of the sessions – including riding on the bus – in order to participate. Parent/guardian does not have to ski).

Below are instructions on how to register for Saint James School’s Ski/Snowboard Club. Please be sure to review our Informational Flyer before completing/submitting the paperwork.  Space on the bus is limited and spots will be filled first come first served based on your bus payment to the SJS main office.

** Purchase of Lift Tickets, lessons, and rental equipment (for participating adults and students) must be done through Mt. Southington’s website. PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS IN THIS DOCUMENT.  It is very important that you register with our SJS group information in order for the tickets to be processed correctly.

Submit to the SJS Main Office:

**2025 Ski Club Permission Slip

**A check for $120 for each person riding the bus, made out to St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish and submitted with the permission slip.  One check with the total amount can be written per family.  The $120 covers all four dates.  Please include “Ski Club” and names of bus riders in the Memo field.

We are excited for a great season and look forward to seeing everyone on the slopes!  Please feel free to email or our Ski Club parent volunteer coordinator – Steve Joyner ( – with questions.

Christmas Store

Our students had so much fun at the SJS Christmas Store today shopping for their loved ones all on their own!  A huge thank you to SJS parent volunteers Kristin O’Hara and Brittany Devanney for all their time and efforts organizing this event for our students.  Also thank you to…

Tomorrow: SJS Christmas Store

Please remember to send your student in with money in their red envelope tomorrow if they will be shopping!

SJS Christmas Store Info

Thank you to all the volunteers who signed up to help tomorrow!

Spiritwear Store Closes Today!

The SJS Spiritwear Store for Basketball, Cheer, or General Spiritwear items will close today, Tuesday December 3rd:  https://sjs.brand—

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