Pancake Breakfast To Support Catholic School Soccer League

The Knights of Columbus will host a Pancake Breakfast for benefit of the Catholic Schools’ Soccer League (CSSL) on Sunday, April 24th from 8:00am to 11:00am at the Church of the Assumption Parish Hall. The menu consists of homemade pancakes, sausage, fruit cup, juice, and beverages. The cost is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children. Tickets may be purchased at the Charter Oak Soccer Fields on Saturday April 23th or at the door. All proceeds will be donated to CSSL.  Please support this wonderful program for our Catholic School children throughout central Connecticut. The event is sponsored by Manchester Knights of Columbus, Council 1155. For more information please contact David Blackwell at 860-670-2759.

Subway Dine-Out Night

Please mark your calendar to pick up dinner at Subway (443 Hartford Road, Manchester) on Wednesday, April 27th.  From 5:00pm – 8:00pm, 20% of your purchase will be donated back to Saint James School when you present the attached flyer.

There are lots of activities scheduled on April 27th, including the SJS Art Show and SJS Soccer practice, which will put you in the perfect proximity to grab dinner at Subway.  We hope to see you there!

Subway 2016 flyer


17th Annual SJS Father/Daughter Dance

The 17th Annual Saint James School Father/Daughter Dance will be held this Saturday, April 23rd, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in the school gym.  RSVPs were due in today.  If you missed the deadline, we will still accept RSVPs tomorrow only.  Also, as a reminder, pictures can be pre-purchased on-line prior to the dance.  All information is attached below.

2016 Father Daughter Dance Invite

Father Daughter Dance Pictures


Instrumental Music Notice

Please note, Mr. Corcoran will be in on Tuesday, April 19th (instead of Friday, April 22nd) for grades 6-8 instrumental music lessons.

Upgrades at SJS Over School Break

We hope that everyone had a fun and relaxing April vacation!  While the school was on break last week, our maintenance and technology staff were able to make some exciting upgrades and  enhancements throughout the school.

First, the Saint James School cafeteria now has Air Conditioning!  This will provide a much more comfortable environment for our students and staff during lunch/aftercare throughout the early and late school months.

Additionally, all of the computers in the school’s technology lab were retrofitted with new hard drives, faster processing speeds, Windows 10, and Office 2013.  New learning software was also installed on all of the computers.  All of the school’s iPads were also upgraded to the latest operating system and new, age-specific apps have been added to the 1st floor and 2nd floor iPad carts.

Spring Recess

As a reminder, Saint James School will be closed next week (April 11th-15th) for spring recess.  We wish everyone a happy, relaxing vacation.  We will see you back at school on Monday, April 18th.

Report Cards

As a reminder, students will be bringing home their 3rd quarter report cards today.

Carpool from Ellington

We have a family that is looking to start a carpool from Ellington.  If you would be interested, please contact Mrs. DelSignore in the main office for information (860.643.5088 option 1).

Absence/Dismissal Notes

Parents, please note that e-mails regarding absence, dismissal, health, and other child-specific information should be e-mailed to Mrs. DelSignore at  Thank you.

3rd Graders Dissect Owl Pellets

SJS 3rd graders have been learning about small animals and habitats as part of their science lessons. Recently, each student researched and hand-wrote a book about an assigned animal. This week, students dissected (sanitized) owl “pellets,” as they learned about owls and what they eat. (click pictures to enlarge)

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