Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week

TeacherAppreciationWeekLogoThis celebration in May is a time for SJS parents to show their appreciation to the teachers and staff for all the help and support they give our children during the year.  Staff members are treated to a delicious luncheon hosted at the school.

Parents are needed to help plan the luncheon, watch the children in the classrooms (from 12:00-1:30) the day of the lunch, and to set-up, serve and clean-up the lunch.

To volunteer or find out more information, please e-mail HSA@SaintJamesSchool.net.

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Father & Daughter Dance

fatherdaughterOur annual Father/Daughter dance is traditionally held in the spring and features an evening of DJ music, games, dancing, and snacks.  Attire for girls is dressy and attire for dads is office casual (keep in mind it can get quite warm in the gym).

Volunteers are needed to help organize food, games and decorations in advance.  At the event, moms are needed to help set-up, oversee and clean-up.

To volunteer or find out more information, please e-mail HSA@SaintJamesSchool.net.

Father & Daughter Dance

fatherdaughterOur annual Father/Daughter dance is traditionally held in the spring and features an evening of DJ music, games, dancing, and snacks.  Attire for girls is dressy and attire for dads is office casual (keep in mind it can get quite warm in the gym).

Volunteers are needed to help organize food, games and decorations in advance.  At the event, moms are needed to help set-up, oversee and clean-up.

To volunteer or find out more information, please e-mail HSA@SaintJamesSchool.net.

Mother/Son Event

mother-son-date-night-75Every year we organize an event for moms and sons to share some special time together.
In the past we have attended a Wolf Pack hockey game and enjoyed kickball, pizza, and swimming at Star Hill Athletic Center.

This year’s event chair is Tabitha Post.  To volunteer or find out more information, please e-mail HSA@SaintJamesSchool.net.



Trunk or Treat

Students in all grades and their families are invited for some Halloween fun!   Enjoy trunk or treating, a “tricked-out trunk” contest, yummy treats, dancing, games and a lot of fun!  Come in costume!

Volunteers are needed to help plan, set up/clean up and help out at the event.  

To volunteer or find out more information, please e-mail HSA@SaintJamesSchool.net.

Cherrydale Catalog Fundraiser

indexThe first major fundraiser of the school year is a catalog-based fundraiser run through Cherrydale Fund Raising.  There is something for everyone with items such as wrapping paper, home decor, kitchen gadgets, candy & nuts, cookie dough, pies & cakes, candles, and lots more.  There are also fun incentives to get the students excited to sell!

For this fundraiser, we need help distributing items to families when they are delivered to the school in November.  Typically we have several parent volunteers organize and distribute orders to families during afternoon pick-up.

This year’s event chair is Kate Davis.  To volunteer or find out more information, please e-mail HSA@SaintJamesSchool.net

Additional Staff Change

It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to Saint James 1st grade teacher Mrs. Leslie Belsito, who recently accepted a 1st grade teaching position teaching in her hometown of Coventry.

Joining the staff as our new 1st grade teacher will be Ms. Jessica Labowski, who comes to us with strong experience in early childhood education.  She is a graduate of Assumption Elementary/ Middle School, East Catholic High School, and the University of Connecticut – where she received her degree in Human Development and Family Studies with a specialization in Early Childhood Development and Education.  Ms. Labowski has most recently served as Head Teacher at a local Preschool and is finishing up her Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of Hartford.

Please join us in welcoming Ms. Labowski to the Saint James School family!

Christmas Store

christmasIn early December, the school Gym is transformed into a shopping plaza.  Each class has an allotted time during which children may shop for and purchase inexpensive items for their family.  Every year our students are so excited to pick out something special for their loved ones and family members love unwrapping their special gifts on Christmas morning.

Volunteers are needed to set-up/clean-up the store and help during the school day as students shop.

To volunteer or find out more information, please e-mail HSA@SaintJamesSchool.net.

Scholastic Book Fair

book_fair_imageThe week-long Scholastic book fair is held in the Fall in the school gym. Children can preview the books and then return to shop the following days.  The fair is also open during the evenings of Open House for parents to shop with their children.  Proceeds from the sale of books at this event will fund the purchase of new books for the SJS library and the classrooms.

Volunteers are needed to help with setting-up the fair and to help students as they visit the book fair.

To volunteer or find out more information, please e-mail HSA@SaintJamesSchool.net.


2016book fair

2017 Saint James School Gala: March 25, 2017

The annual SGalaimageaint James School Gala is our largest fundraiser of the year and a great adults-only event that brings together many different people from within the SJS community. At the Gala, attendees have the option to participate in the live and/or silent auctions and bid on items from class baskets to vacation getaways! There is dinner, dancing, and A LOT of fun.

There is a special Gala committee that holds meetings throughout the year.  There are many volunteer opportunities, big and small, to help make the Gala a success.  Some areas of need are marketing, collection of auction items, signage, decoration, set-up/clean-up, cashiers, and closers.  Every year, the gala committee is comprised of a great group of individuals who have a lot of fun and laughs – all while supporting their child(ren)’s school!

This year’s event chairs are Paul Munns and Tara Moriarty.  To volunteer or find out more information, please e-mail HSA@SaintJamesSchool.net.


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